Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3910: :I just like it

"My dad died, that thing ran away, this is what you did? What you did? Song Lianyu, you still have to give them money? Are you fascinated by women? You are looking for them for this woman Huh? When is it, I am your brother, this is my father, I have no relatives anymore, I am dead, you still find someone like this...what do you think?"

"The Feng family I was looking for before, you were not allowed from the Ling family, and gave me a lot of reasons! I'm still thinking about you. In fact, it's all fake. You are for the woman, not for the brother..."

"My dad is dead now, and they didn't avenge me. This is not the end! Not to mention the money, I won't give a cent."

Lu Youzhi raised his head and looked fiercely at Jiang Xinrui and the others.

Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng had originally turned and left the Lu family, but when they heard Song Lianyu shouting Wanfeng, they looked back a little puzzled. Then they heard Song Lianyu's words. Whether it was Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng, their expressions were a bit subtle.

Jiang Xinrui was an accident. Song Lianyu was interested in Wanfeng. As for Chifeng, it was different. It was a bit ashamed. He didn't even find out whether his sister was thin or how. Song Lianyu, who had seen it twice, discovered it? Is it just because he is with Wanfeng almost every day, so he can't find it?

Wanfeng was different, some didn't know what manner to reply to Song Lianyu.

No one has ever spoken to her like this! Wanfeng was a little uncomfortable and felt uncomfortable. Just when she didn't know what to say, she turned around and left when she thought about it. Lu Youzhi's words came.

Now, let alone Wanfeng, Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng stopped and turned to look at the crying Lu Youzhi, who even had a big nose flowing out. Although it was a bit funny, it was also very uncomfortable.

"Youzhi, don't talk nonsense, I know you are in a bad mood now, I can understand, but what does this have to do with them? If you don't have them today, I can't hide from you!"

"The evil Buddha will never let you go, you know very well..."

"And when I looked for them, you also agreed. They rescued me from the river gods. If they were not sure of their strength, how could I take the risk? We brothers for many years, who do you think of me as? Apologize to Wanfeng. It has nothing to do with her. I don’t even have her contact information. You really misunderstood. You have to apologize to the other two as well. They did save your life..."

Song Lianyu didn't expect that you didn't hear Wanfeng's answer, but you were almost stabbed in the back by your brother!

He admits that he likes Wanfeng. There is nothing wrong with elders to admit. If he likes this kind of thing, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. Go with your heart, it's not that complicated.

Originally, he didn't deserve it, but he just liked it, but now that Lu Youzhi said that he feels even more shameless, and even feels embarrassed even if he likes it...

"I apologize? Song Lianyu!"

Lu Youzhi couldn't listen to Song Lianyu's words at all. He was crazy. No one could understand his collapse. He really had nothing!


Wanfeng really couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to say it. After all, she didn't have her father, but who could be blamed? Retribution of my own family! It's just that Wanfeng didn't wait to say anything, and was suddenly dragged away by Jiang Xinrui.

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