Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3914: : Very hurt

"Father, mother, why haven’t you rested? It’s very late, didn’t I say you don’t have to wait for me? I’m a bit busy lately. You didn’t know that I encountered something again today and it’s a problem. When the guy left, he said Will remember us..."

Jiang Xinrui watched Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu sitting in the living room in their clothes. She didn't want to talk about what happened today, but looking at the appearance of her parents, Jiang Xinrui still felt that she should talk about it, otherwise she would be really embarrassed, especially when she left in the morning. …

Jiang Xinrui now regrets why she had to resist her father's touch. She can only say that Jiang Xinrui is going further and further away from her parents.

She didn't understand why or when, but the facts had already happened, Jiang Xinrui felt uncomfortable, as if to ease the embarrassment, Jiang Xinrui still briefly talked about what happened in Lu's house today.

As for the cat-eared boy, Jiang Xinrui felt that there was nothing to say.

"Originally I was going to rest, but seeing the movement of Shaohua I, we know that you are back, and your father and I will wait for a while."

"Jiang Liu, do you know that evil Buddha?"

Hua Sheng knew his daughter’s reaction in his heart, but he also knew that it was not clear now, so he could only re-enter a little bit to open his daughter’s heart and leave a place for her and the river, even if there is no place for them. It doesn't matter, Hua Sheng also thinks it's okay to live in someone he likes, so that his daughter will not be so lonely.

Yes, in Hua Sheng's view, Jiang Xinrui is lonely, even if she never lacks companionship by her side, she is still lonely.

"A dark evil Buddha is actually not a Buddha. The Dharma is advanced and profound. How many people have not reached the realm in their entire life. The evil spirits are even more difficult. I haven't seen what you said, but I guess he was not in his previous life. The temple may have been enchanted for some reason, and become attached to the Buddha, but then went astray, under the banner of the Buddha, self-cultivation."

"If you see the essence, it's actually not difficult to deal with, but this thing is extremely vengeful. If you say that you won't let you go, I probably remember it in my heart, be careful, and save him when I see it again, otherwise it will be a little troublesome..."

Jiang Liu watched Jiang Xinrui briefly say a few words, then took Hua Sheng to say rest, and at the same time let her daughter go to rest, Duoyi didn't say anything.

Hua Sheng wanted to say something when he saw this, but Jiang Liu didn't give her a chance at all, and directly took her back to the room, as if it was not him who said he wanted to wait for Jiang Xinrui downstairs?

He was even the one who saw Jiang Xinrui coming back in the first life of Shaohua...

Besides, they obviously saw Jiang Xinrui and they brought a person back, so why didn't they even ask?

Jiang Xinrui was left alone in the living room, standing uneasy.

Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu’s bedroom.

"What's wrong with you?"

Hua Sheng asked directly. As for other things, Hua Sheng didn't say anything. She believed Jiang Liu knew what she was asking.

"It's nothing, since Jiang Xinrui has returned safely, and even has already returned, we can just talk, don't ask too much, just say if she wants to, keep her distance."

"She is already at a distance from us. It must be impossible to rush to break. You can only make a detour. I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Jiang Liu put his arms around Hua Sheng, closed his eyes, and sighed heavily in his heart. Jiang Liu was really hurt when Jiang Xinrui avoided him.

It's just that he didn't say it...

On the other side, Jiang Xinrui did not rest either, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open...

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