Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3922: : Is it a demon?

"It's my own practice that has a problem. It has nothing to do with you. I can get up after a short rest. I will leave without disturbing you. Thank you for saving my life. Otherwise, on the street outside, I..."

The cat-eared boy supported his head and looked at the people.

Because of physical reasons, the cat-eared teenager didn't dare to get up. Who knows if the silver needle in this body will pierce him through! Besides, only he himself knows best what is going on.

For the circle of people in front of me, all the questions in my heart are not confessed. Everyone is not a normal person but lives in this human world together.

"Then you can rest. I saved you because I was hit by a car at the time. You don't need to be afraid. We are not bad guys. You can leave at any time. By the way, what's your name? I don't feel in you. It's wicked, so what's the situation with you?"

"Of course, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

Wanfeng watched the cat-eared boy become restless because of Chifeng's words. His pale face was injured and whiter, and his amber eyes were filled with tears. Wanfeng was still a little tickled when she saw it, of course. This also means that she doesn't feel threatening in the other party, and Wan Feng feels a little different. After all, Wan Feng is not a confused temper, she will not leave any danger beside Chi Feng.

Moreover, this is still near the ten-mile spring breeze. Wanfeng really doesn't know what Chifeng has to worry about, how could something go wrong!

Even if this cat-eared boy really wanted to do something, he wouldn't dare, unless he had never died.

I can only say that Chi Feng is too careful.

And Jiang Xinrui, who didn't know that it was because of her at all, that Chifeng and Wanfeng's emotions had become subtle, she was still in a daze at the moment. Of course, this was not because of observing Mao's ears!

"I... my name is Wen Qiao."

"One hundred and three years old this year, from the perspective of the human world, it’s a demon. After all, aren’t all animals that become a demon? As for why there’s no demon spirit, maybe it’s because I didn’t cultivate at home, otherwise I wouldn’t even connect. Human figures are hard to maintain."

"And thank you very much, this medical immortal, even if I lock my cultivation base, so that I can maintain my human form, otherwise my efforts in the past few years will be in vain. Thank you all, thank you again! Wen Qiao will remember it all his life, it looks like You are not ordinary people either. Wen Qiao's strength is weak, maybe there is not much to help, but as long as Wen Qiao can do it, Wen Qiao is bound to do so."

Under a pile of silver needles, Wen Qiao looked at the people in a circle with sincere eyes, but when he said that he was a demon, his eyes were a little evasive. He didn't want to say this.

Some people can easily specify their own position, but some people do not know who they are after chasing for a lifetime!

But in the end, these people really helped him, Wen Qiao still knows to be grateful, and when Wen Qiao said these things, he always looked at Jiang Xinrui who was sitting by the window intentionally or unintentionally.

It is true that the aura radiating from Jiang Xinrui's body is too attractive to him, if it can be used for him...

Thinking of this, Wen Qiao lowered his head, not wanting his greed to be discovered. This is really not to blame him, it is Jiang Xinrui that is so attractive, the bright aura, so pure...

"Is it a demon? What's your answer? The first time I heard that the demon doesn't have a demon spirit."

When Chi Feng heard this, he had even greater opinions on Wen Qiao, but before he finished speaking, Ling Shuyi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Doctor? Are you talking about me?"

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