Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3927: : Still under maintenance

On the window, there was a huge hole, and it was bumped at first glance.

"Look, what am I talking about? This Wenqiao is definitely not a good person! Don't have a purpose, he was resting here, there are still injuries on his body, we didn't say not to let him go, the result? Run against the window? "

"Don't say, it's quite fast, it only takes a few seconds from the hall to here? It's gone, it's really a cat!"

Chi Feng saw the situation in front of him, his eyes suddenly changed, and a little hostility appeared.

In fact, when Jiang Xinrui came in just now, Chifeng and Wanfeng had some unpleasant emotions because of the cat-eared boy, Wen Qiao.

Chi Feng still insisted on his own opinion. This Wen Qiao can't stay. Who knows what he wants to do, but Wanfeng always feels that there is nothing, blindly thinking that Chi Feng is making a fuss. Jiang Xinrui didn't pay much attention to Wen Qiao at all. No matter, I really don't know what Chi Feng is worried about.

Because of this, the two had just argued a few words, but at this moment, Jiang Xinrui suddenly came in, and Chi Feng and Wanfeng had no time to calm their emotions.

Of course, Wan Feng didn't think there was anything to hide, and even wanted Jiang Xinrui to know what they would quarrel with. It was not because of her that Chi Feng was so cautious. Where could Chi Feng be like this before?

It's just that these don't give Wanfeng a chance at all, a series of small changes, diverting all eyes.

And what Chifeng said to Wanfeng. Just now Wanfeng thought Chifeng shouldn’t think like this. What if a kitten comes? But now that she hit the window and escaped, it really made Wanfeng slap her face. You said that you can leave if you want to go normally. No one stopped him. Why did you hit the window?

"I know what you mean. You don't have to look like this. We can't be sure whether Wenqiao walked by himself or who was hijacked. It doesn't have to be that someone else left it, isn't it? You want to know us Didn't he say not to let him go? Then there is no need for Wenqiao to run away in such a hurry!"

When Wanfeng said this, she checked the traces by the window. The broken glass was very shattered. It felt like she was running in a hurry. It wasn't that Wanfeng trusted Wen Qiao too much, but felt that he really didn't need to be like this. choose.

That can only show that there is another hidden story. Wanfeng is not worried about Wen Qiao being taken away, but only worried about who the person who took him away is! Can appear quietly in the first life and leave again? Take one away? Either it was acquaintance without resistance, or it was a powerful person who could come and go freely, no matter which one, Wanfeng felt a little frightened!

After all, this proof is not simple.

"It's all this time, why is my sister still talking to him? It's just a few sides. Does my sister believe in him so much? Still justifying him?"

"Forget it, anyway, we are all gone. What we said will not help, let alone no trace. Why don't you continue with our own affairs? Didn't Rui Er just say something about Taoyuan Mountain Villa? Let's go, regardless of Wenqiao What the **** is going on, now we are gone, and we can't catch up, so don't delay our own affairs."

Chi Feng watched as Wanfeng was still talking for Wen Qiao, and didn't want to argue with her elder sister like just now. Chi Feng felt that it was particularly meaningless. No matter who Wen Qiao was, what he wanted to do, and what purpose he had, he didn't know now. No clue...

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