Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3938: : Don't breathe yet

I don't know since when, the emotions in her heart became more and more irritable. When she came into contact with Chifeng, it was most likely to be uncontrollable. She just felt upset, like doing something to swallow everything around.

It seems that something is slowly getting out of control, and something is also breaking out of the cage...

"Why not move? These people are greedy and they keep hurting us, and they want to damage our homeland, so that we have nowhere to hide, nowhere to stay! Who do you think you are? If you can't move, you won't move?"

"Children, give it to me. No matter how strong her cultivation is, she won't be able to stand up to the wheel of war. Besides, we still have charm skills. We will break them one by one.

The mountain charm called the patriarch did not show up, but her voice echoed by Jiang Xinrui's side. Thinking that Chi Feng might meet these things, Jiang Xinrui became even more annoyed. She couldn't help but want to do something in her heart. Something seemed to be broken. .

But Jiang Xinrui is sane. She doesn't know what is affecting her emotions. She just knows that she can't let this thing leave her body, otherwise many things may be out of control, and even make her regret it, so Jiang Xinrui can't let her. What accident happened to his body.

Jiang Xinrui's tyrannical mood at the moment was crushed in her heart.

Jiang Xinrui chose to ignore what the people around him were saying, trying to restrain her emotions and trying to do nothing...

There was something wrong with Jiang Xinrui. It was impossible for the mountain charms to be unaware. Then they stretched out their sharp claws and fangs, and stood in front of Jiang Xinrui, standing upright only to Jiang Xinrui’s knees. His eyes suddenly changed, and he turned suddenly into one. The appearance of the height of an adult, I don't know if the transformation process is too anxious, the ears and tail have not yet transformed, and they are leaking out.

At this moment, Jiang Xinrui has no intention to pay attention to these people. Her eyes are closed and she is still working hard to restrain her emotions. Although she is guarded against the outside, she can feel that the orange cat is indeed not murderous compared to other mountain charms, and she reaches out to the orange cat. When pulling her to escape, Jiang Xinrui did not refuse.

The orange cat's speed is very fast, even if he has become an adult man, he still carries Jiang Xinrui, which hasn't affected his normal speed in the slightest, just like a mountain charm, easily shuttled through the woods.

Jiang Xinrui opened his eyes lightly, watching the surrounding trees retreat from Shuashu, and there was a whistling wind behind him, the dark shadows were chasing, and the mountain charms were still chasing.

When the man who was turned into a human by the orange cat was dragged and ran, although Jiang Xinrui was still working hard to restrain her emotions, she could still see the appearance of the people around her clearly.

Isn't this the cat-eared boy who hit the road that night, Wen Qiao?

Seen here after leaving without saying goodbye? There is also the clan chief just now, which proves that Wenqiao and Shanmei are acquainted. Is the orange cat also Shanmei? Looking at the speed of Wenqiao, in the morning, I am afraid that I ran out by myself...

Jiang Xinrui squinted her eyes slightly, did not speak, clasped her hands tightly, biting the tip of her tongue, and the sweet smell reverberated in her mouth constantly. Because of this, Jiang Xinrui could keep her sense and not let her emotions get out of control.

At this time, a stench came from behind, it was rotten flesh!

It seems that these mountain charms do not eat less meat...

"Do you remember me? You saved me. The two of them are okay. I can help you get out of here. Don't breathe. Our mountain charm doesn't have good eyesight. If you hold on for a while, you can get rid of them. That's how I am. With the other two benefactors..."

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