Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3948: : Shanmei Corpse

It can be said that Jing Mi really saved him again this time, and also helped him again. If Jing Mi didn't make a move, Chi Feng would have to find a way to do something. The mountain charms who besieged him really couldn't stay.

Originally, Chi Feng didn't want to hurt them. After all, it was a kind. They were not human, and they all wanted to live in a human way, but Chi Feng couldn't be kind when the other party affected his life and threatened him.

He wasn't sure how many mountain charms surrounding him had seen, but the secrets of his body were not trivial, and nothing could be revealed, because if there was a little accident, it would be destruction to greet him.

It's just that Chi Feng didn't wait for himself to think of any way to solve this hidden trouble, the surrounding mountain charm suddenly died!

No one was left, Jing Mi killed it, she told her to see.

Chi Feng was not sure if Jing Mi had discovered anything, but her words did not find any problems, as if she was just helping him solve the trouble. Of course, Jing Mi did help him solve the hidden trouble intentionally or unintentionally.

"Chi Feng, look at what these things are... it still surrounds you. It won't be the ashes of Shanmei? Jiang Xinrui did it? But it's silent, it doesn't feel like her style!"

When Wanfeng said this, she reached out and wiped some of the black ashes and squeezed it in her hand. Then looking at the wet ashes in her hand, Wanfeng raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

And Chi Feng was as silent, just replied that it was okay.

Jiang Xinrui is in the cave here.

"I have already sent a message to the people of the tribe. You will let my mother go quickly. As long as they receive my message, they will immediately remove the magical magic. Whether it is Chifeng or Wanfeng, it will be safe, and we are already there. I didn't want to hurt them, I just wanted to use them to threaten you."

Wen Qiao looked at Jiang Xinrui and almost knelt down to Jiang Xinrui, but he didn't dare to worry that Jiang Xinrui would stand on top of his head more and more after Jiang Xinrui showed his timidity.

It doesn't matter if he is injured, it's just that Wen Qiao doesn't want his mother to do anything else. How could Wen Qiao not know that his mother is running out of time...

"I hope your patriarch still has some prestige..."

Jiang Xinrui walked out of the fire circle of the Nine Heavens Sacred Fire after speaking. Looking at Wen Qiao’s eager look, Jiang Xinrui turned and said: “I’m going to look for the two of them now, as long as the two of them are safe, don’t worry, your mother is fine, my The fire will not continue to burn, it will go out..."

Then Jiang Xinrui went invisible in the dark to search for Chifeng and Wanfeng.

While on the road, Jiang Xinrui quickly noticed something was wrong, there was no movement at all, the extremely fast whizzing sound, even if the mountain charms really obeyed the words of the patriarch Wenqiao, there would be no movement at all, right? Didn't you even breathe? You know that there should be a lot of mountain charms ambushing on this road back...

Jiang Xinrui was suspicious and vigilant, and soon found black ashes in the bushes.

Shan Mei's corpse.

They have no shape of their own, no entity, and a pool of ashes after death...

It's just that Jiang Xinrui doesn't understand who did this? It shouldn’t be Chifeng and Wanfeng. Needless to say, Chifeng is actually kinder than anyone else and cannot take the initiative to kill. As for Wanfeng, although she looks bad tempered, Wanfeng will not take the initiative to make trouble. , That's someone who is lazier than her...

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