Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3950: : A hug

Whether Jiang Xinrui knew about her devilish energy, in fact, Jiang Xinrui didn't know it!

She didn't even know that her eyes turned red, let alone what patterns appeared on her eyes. She only knew that her body became a little hot, and it was a little strange, as if there was something beyond her control. This is why Jiang Xinrui wanted to control herself. Emotion, although I don't know what will break out of the cage, Jiang Xinrui knows that I can't let it break away!

"Are you two okay?"

"I saw that Wen Qiao, he is the patriarch of the Shanmei clan, including seeing us is his strategy..."

Jiang Xinrui suppressed her sudden tyrannical emotions and changed the subject with other things. Now it seems that an unspeakable emotion will appear when she calms down, but it is good to see that Chi Feng is safe and Jiang Xinrui's heart returns to peace again. .

Seeing Chi Feng, Jiang Xinrui couldn't help but smile knowingly. She hadn't seen him for a while, but it seemed like she hadn't seen him in a long time. She was talking about business, but when she saw Chi Feng, she stretched out her hand and gently hugged him. At a glance, it's like something is lost and recovered.

Regarding Jiang Xinrui’s reaction, let alone Chifeng, Wanfeng was also startled, her eyes were slightly raised, and she was still talking just now. Why did she suddenly talk so strangely and suddenly came to hug Blazing Phoenix?

Chi Feng glanced at her sister Wanfeng, there was surprise in her eyes, but after the surprise there was also ecstasy...

"Ruier...what's wrong with you? I'm fine, are you worried about me?"

Chi Feng's voice was very soft, as if he was worried that it would affect Jiang Xinrui's emotions, and also worried that it would affect Jiang Xinrui's earnings at this moment. Chi Feng felt that it was worth what he did now.

There is always a kind of like that is different.

When Chi Feng said this, he was a little moved. No matter what other people said, he still had a different existence for Jiang Xinrui, so he was very moved and satisfied.

Seeing her sister turning around and not looking at it, Chi Feng hadn't felt ashamed yet, she was only moved in her heart, but when she watched her sister pretending to be coughing, her face suddenly turned red.

In Jiang Xinrui's eyes, he didn't know what to do, and there was a word, pretty as the peach of three springs, obviously it should describe a beautiful woman, and it didn't violate the slightest on Chi Feng's body.

And because of this, Jiang Xinrui realized that her actions were somewhat contradictory, and she was still talking about Wenqiao...

But Jiang Xinrui cannot deny that when approaching Chifeng, Jiang Xinrui felt a kind of peaceful tranquility. In fact, in order to reduce the discussion, she could hug Wanfeng, but in Jiang Xinrui's heart, Chifeng must be the closest to her heart. people.

At that moment, Jiang Xinrui's mood was chaotic, as if there was something uncontrollable, holding Chifeng, the breath was similar to Chifeng, and it was miraculously suppressed...

Therefore, Jiang Xinrui’s hug has no other charming thoughts. It can even be said that it is entirely for her own emotions that she embraces Chifeng like this, and she chooses Chifeng only because in the depths of Jiang Xinrui’s heart, Chifeng is the most attractive to her. trust.

When Jiang Xinrui heard what Chi Feng said, thinking that she was too worried about him and reacted this way, Jiang Xinrui felt a little guilty of Chi Feng and blushed for the first time, although her face was not obvious in the middle of the night...

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