Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3960: : The eyes are forbearing

It's a text message.

Jiang Xinrui's eyes moved slightly. Her mobile phone is actually a kind of decoration most of the time. Jiang Xinrui rarely uses a mobile phone, so few people contact her with a mobile phone. Song Lianyu was surprised by Jiang Xinrui last time. Seeing an unfamiliar number on the mobile phone, Jiang Xinrui didn't answer it, just treating it as a harassing call.

On the other side of the phone, after being hung up, the man looked at the screen of the phone without talking, and then directly slammed the screen of the phone on the table. What was he doing? What can contact Jiang Xinrui change? Nothing can be changed! The man turned his head to look at the dark place behind him.

And behind the man is a deep secret room corridor. Although the lighting is faint, it can still be seen that the environment here is very familiar. It is Ling's family, Ling Ji's study.

There was a noisy sound in the corridor, Ling Ji got up and walked in step by step, until the source of the noisy sound was the TV!

"You have watched it ten times. When did you go out to do things? I nurture you with my own flesh and blood, but I don’t really nurture you. There is no one in the junior family who can fight. Now is the best time. I'm desperately looking for something for the Feng family!"

"Thinking to slander Feng Xi, even the reputation of the entire Feng family! What happened? Feng Xi did not go, and the younger Feng family was also played around by me, but you didn't say that Hua Sheng and Jiang Xinrui would follow in! You said What should I do now? Jiang Xinrui has protected Fengxi's reputation. I just want to do something, but it is also difficult, and they are eyeing me too!"

"The black cat of the Spring Breeze of Ten Miles has been dangling within 100 meters of Ling's house. I have scruples about what I do. Don't you let him go? I don't know that he still likes to watch TV! Why? Because of yours. I have not seen this thing in the age, so I am crazy to make it up now? But I am definitely not watching TV now, besides, I told you that the actor you are watching now is the person next to Jiang Xinrui. No, it should be said. It's a demon! See you like it too, you can go and catch her..."

Ling Ji's tone became gloomy from the beginning to playful, even for the good show. Of course, it was broken. He became more impatient with this gentleman now.

In fact, for any person, you have paid so much and your life is overwhelmed. As a result, this person has been raised in this place from the very beginning of his grand aspirations to the present, without talking or doing things. He was doing it, no matter who the other party was, Ling Ji had no patience anymore.

Besides, there is no "returning money". Ling Ji is not a fool. Although he is still the same when he is outside, I believe this gentleman, but in his heart, Ling Ji already wants to shoot this guy to death.

But Ling Ji only said that. Having reached this point, how could he really stop, or part ways with his husband?

They are now grasshoppers on a rope.

But the husband in Ling Ji's mouth never answered, let alone looked back. He just watched the TV in front of him. Strictly speaking, he was watching the TV show in front of him. At this moment, the screen stayed in the role of Wanfeng as the female general...

The gentleman wears a dark mask on his face, the kind of blue-faced fangs, but his eyes are very clear. He looked at Wanfeng with complicated and forbearing eyes, and he felt that it had spanned thousands of years...

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