Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 395: : Crazy once

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Yu Ping's hair was scalded with pear blossoms, saying goodbye to her previous bun hairstyle.

If you have seen her before, it is hard to believe that this is the same person as before.

Hua Sheng sat in the auditorium of the basketball hall, and Yu Ping scanned the code to buy two bottles of beverage.

A bottle of hot lemon tea was given to Huasheng, and another bottle of sports drink went directly to Yuan Shao.

"Drink water." She walked over with confidence and handed the water.

This is not the first time Yu Ping has met Yuan Shao after a facelift. In fact, she has been back for a week and has already met Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao also knew about her facelift, not only did she not resent it, but also admired her courage.

So the relationship between the two was also subtle, and Yu Ping handed him the water.

Yuan Shao accepted the thanks, and just about to turn around, he heard Yu Ping suddenly shouting behind him, "Yuan Shao, be my boyfriend, I have loved you for a long time."

Yuan Shao took a step, turned slightly surprised.

Several other men cheered one after another, some whistling, some smirking and looking lively.

Not waiting for Yuan Shao to speak, Yu Ping was a little excited, and continued to say aloud, "I used to be a female cock, poor and ugly, and has little courage, and is extremely unconfident. Many people look down on me and no one wants to be with me. Play together, even if I get good grades, I’m a school bully, and I got a scholarship, but it’s still the same kind. I used to think that this was the case in my life, until one day I met a goddess, she told me that when people live, To be brave, there must be hope. Nothing in this world is impossible."

Behind the eyes of Hua Sheng was touched and relieved.

Yuan Shao also all listened carefully. Yu Ping's character was good, he knew.

Those men are not laughing at all, and at this moment, the entire basketball court is quiet.

Yu Ping went on to say, "I read the story of the ugly duckling when I was young, and I also imagined that I could become a swan one day, and finally I realized it. I am young, I can afford to lose, what do I want while I still have a little courage, want Cheeky crazy once, so I won’t regret it when I’m old. Yuan Shao, from the day I met you, I knew you were out of reach for me. But after all, I couldn’t help but approached you, premeditating to think Talking to you about a romantic love that doesn't die until the head of the white-headed heart. I am Yu Ping, from the countryside, with a poor family, no power, no appearance, no virtue. But I have a kind heart and a fighting strength. I may There is no way to give you a brilliant future, a valuable career, but I can give you a life of ordinary but warm life of rice, oil and salt. Yuan Shao, I like you, I have loved it for a long time, I have hidden you in my heart for a long time. Today I am here Toad only has no self-knowledge. I want to be with the swan. My goddess Xiaosheng said that the ideal still needs to be there. What if you realize it? And you are my ideal. No matter if it is not realized, you are the best in my girlhood. precious memory."

After Yu Ping confessed in one breath, the basketball hall was still quiet, and no one made a sound.

Everyone looked at Yuan Shao unconsciously. His eyes were unpredictable, and no one knew what he was thinking?

Yuan Shao also saw Hua Sheng not far away. She sat there, always so high above.

After Yu Ping finished speaking, she felt a lot lighter in her heart, but her palms were sweaty. She was nervous and dead, really.

Later, with her eyes closed, she had expected Yuan Shao to say that she would apologize. If we were not suitable, she was ready to be rejected.

Who knows, after waiting for a long time, Yuan Shao asked back, "If you are with you, can you give me free lessons?"

Yu Ping's face was completely unresponsive.

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