Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3971: : The default is to save

In fact, there are also people who don't need to ask for any consent. Luo Yao and Fantian are not able to deal with a few mortal Muggles. It's just that, how can they take care of Wanfeng sincerely?

Moreover, Luo Yao is not a threat to people's temperament, demon, it does not mean that it is all evil.

Luo Yao also wanted to change his heart. When dealing with his children, both Luo Yao and Brahma were very careful and low-profile. Of course, it was also because of the urgency.

It’s just that the premise is that Master Wangchen is willing to cooperate. To be honest, when he came, neither Luo Yao nor Brahma had expected it to be so difficult. Their posture was already very low, and Luo Yao also thought that he hadn’t done anything excessive. When the family came, they were very careful and cautious. They did not cause trouble to Zhaojue Temple at all, and there was no gossip. In order to respect, Luo Yao and Brahma came here in formal attire. They asked for help. Know what kind of posture you should wear.

In order for Wanfeng to get the Buddha's light here, normally speaking, this is not within the reach of Master Wangchen? Nor is it right, to be more precise, this is not a matter of effort?

In fact, when he came, Luo Yao could choose to let Wanfeng hide her breath and stay with a pretense. In this way, at least a lot of troubles could be avoided. But this way, everyone felt distressed, and they knew that the Buddha could not be concealed, so it was better to tell the truth. .

It's just that when I was telling the truth, I was still rejected. If it weren't because Wanfeng's situation was much more serious than Chifeng's, Luo Yao wouldn't be so anxious.

The problem is different between the two siblings.


"Several benefactors are not mortals, and naturally they know the rules here. All things are equal in front of the Buddha. Letting them go is to help. The poor monks have already taken action..."

Wangchen was the former Xie Dongyang, muttering softly with his eyes closed.

Regarding whether it was Wanfeng's words or other people's words, no matter who heard the news, no matter whether there were still waves in the heart, but Wangchen did not respond.

He was just telling the truth.

He is not afraid of who the other party is, because he is surrounded by Buddha.

He also understands many things or not.

The biggest change from the past may be the character. It won't change the face because of someone's words, let alone eager to prove something.

And the Buddha in his heart is naturally compassionate, but this compassion is different from compassion in the sense.

Wanfeng in front of her is contaminated with cause and effect. It is her destiny reincarnation. He can't intervene, or that anyone has a reason for everything. Buddha can't stop the change of this world, so don't intervene in cause and effect. The default is to save.

It's just these, in the eyes of other people, it is incomprehensible.

It doesn't need anyone to say anything, the one who doesn't understand the most is the Wanfeng family!


Wanfeng didn’t know what to say, so she pointed at Wangchen and didn’t say anything. She took her parents and left. Since it doesn’t matter here, change the place. The Three Realms and Six Paths are as big as the Three Realms and Six Paths. Wanfeng doesn’t believe it anymore. Can't find a way to restrain her loss of magic power.

Maybe she can still find the cause of her body!

"it is good…"

"These three days, I'm bothering you."

Luo Yao was pulled by his daughter, looked at her daughter's thinning face, feeling uncomfortable, and sneered at Wangchen.

Since Wangchen said so grandly, without even looking at them, Luo Yao wondered if he treated everyone like this...

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