Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4005: :How old are you

"If you don’t tell the truth today, we won’t leave! Not only won’t you leave, you won’t have a peaceful life after Jiuyue Mountain, and today’s matter will not end, it’s not that I threaten you, you and I are monsters, no matter what. Everywhere is easy to be slandered by people. If we can stay in the human world, we naturally have to pay attention to every action in the human world. All words and deeds are regular. If we are accidentally detected by the heavens, what are the consequences? "

"Jiuyue Mountain will not return to the way it was before. You know that! It's only a matter of time before Heaven finds you. In that case, why do you want such a thing? Do you have the ability to resist Heaven? Not just You can’t, and the person you’re looking for can’t! No one has this ability! If you go to make up for and reduce your crimes now, God will be aware of it, and will deal with you differently. It’s definitely much better than what it is now. …"

Chifeng looked at the camphor king's oil and salt not entering, and couldn't help but talk more and more. He was worried about his sister, but he seemed to be a foreign camphor king just like himself, and he felt pity for the same disease.

After all, they are all intolerable in this world, and they are still trying to survive, but now they are touching on personal interests, involving people that Chi Feng never expected to be involved, Chi Feng also wants to know it with affection. To deal with the problem rationally.

This is also why at the end of the talk, Chifeng will change his calibre and will not threaten the king of camphor, because Chifeng finds that threats can’t actually solve the problem. At this moment, everyone can see that the king of camphor never tells the truth. , He has too many things to hide.

There is no doubt about concealing the news. Chi Feng just wants to know everything about Wanfeng. The faster time passes, the more Chi Feng feels that it is not easy. Because of this, Chi Feng thought that he might be able to persuade Xiang Xiang. Zhang Wang obtained the information he wanted to know, and Chi Feng thought that Jiang Xinrui's method was not the best.

Moreover, the two people are only trying to find the answer. Judging from Jiang Xinrui's words, Chi Feng understands that Jiang Xinrui is also cheating Xiang Zhang Wang about Wanfeng.

What Chi Feng didn't know was that the content of their two scams was different, and the results they sought were also different.

Not to mention the doubters...

"How old are you?"

After Chifeng finished speaking, King Zhang Zhang suddenly raised his head and looked at Chifeng's eyes.

In fact, it shouldn’t be said that Chifeng finished speaking what he considered to be persuasion. When Chifeng said it, the king of camphor had already changed his eyes a little bit, his body stuck under the root of the tree, and stretched forward. .

Looking at Chi Feng, his tone was cold, like a machine with no emotions, a huge difference from the humble appearance of the last second.


Chi Feng looked at the camphor king who was changing suddenly, and he subconsciously stunned. He didn't understand why the camphor king suddenly changed?

And the King of Camphor on the side didn't give Chi Feng a chance to say more, as if the question just now was just a simple statement, and Chi Feng's answer was not needed.

"Oh... I think about it, it's said that you are only a hundred years old this year, and the Devil Realm is a hundred years old, and you will soon be an adult..."

"I can’t blame you... You don’t understand. When you have the same needs as I do, you won’t say what you want today. You may have achieved what you asked for. You feel that your life is complete. Used to me..."

"But look at it, this world is cruel, what you ask for, if you don't do something, you will have nothing!"

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