Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4011: : Worrying about the future

Jiang Xinrui didn't want Feng Xi to be annoyed by the messy things outside, and didn't want to affect the reputation of Feng's family. That was Qin Xiaobao's thing.

Everyone treats Qin Xiaobao cautiously because of his health. He is not a playful, but he is also defending in his heart, in order to prevent anyone from hurting him, and want to give him the best, because Jiang Xinrui’s relationship with Fengxi is not just Thinking of protection, as long as Jiang Xinrui met many things, she would help the Feng family settle down, in the name of the Feng family.

Otherwise, the outside world will not blindly say that Jiang Xinrui is not easy to provoke, and the weather is uncertain. In a gentle family like Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, Jiang Xinrui will not hide her style of work, but just deal with some of the Feng family. When things happen, in order to get the best results, Jiang Xinrui will solve it in her own way, the good ones will be counted on the Feng family, and the bad ones will be counted on her own.

Because of this, Chi Feng knew that the last thing Jiang Xinrui didn't want to do was to involve the Feng Family. What he said just now was just to comfort him, and let Jiang Xinrui say such a thing, proving that she was indeed too bitter and worried about Jiang Xinrui.

Thinking that Chi Feng didn't know what he should say, should he be sad or fortunate?

He is different here in Jiang Xinrui, but it is also the same.

Perhaps it was because of his sister Wanfeng’s affairs that made Chi Feng’s expression a little anxious. He didn’t know what he was afraid of. If the elder sister really had a relationship with Jiuyue Mountain, then the elder sister would definitely not be able to stay in the human world. The Demon Family will find out sooner or later, and now the Feng Family also needs new things to accumulate luck for Qin Xiaobao, exorcism has become inevitable.

When the time comes, Feng's family will face her sister Wanfeng, and it will be him.

He can't help but help his sister, can Jiang Xinrui not help Feng's family? Or is it not helping the human world?

Chi Feng also knew that he was thinking too much, and none of this might happen, but maybe these things are different in Chi Feng's heart...

"Rui'er, I mean if... if there is really a relationship with my sister, what do you do? The three of us can be regarded as growing up together, and we have grown up together. Our affection is not fake. What kind of personality does my sister have? I know, even if it is really her, she has a reason..."

"Will you follow the exorcist family, or even other families, to deal with her, deal with me? Will we stand on the opposite side? Just like when we first met, will the situation you worried about happen?"

Chi Feng was looking at Jiang Xinrui without answering, thinking about what happened today, there was too much in her mind without knowing how to think, and there was even a kind of asking Jiang Xinrui to send a proposition, letting Jiang Xinrui choose, even if it didn’t happen. At that time, Chi Feng wanted to know, if it happened, what would Jiang Xinrui choose?

It may be that he feels uneasy. The ambiguity he is facing now makes Chi Feng lose sight of the direction. Many things are no longer what he can predict, or they may not be solved. How will he face Jiang Xinrui?

In fact, Chi Feng didn't want Jiang Xinrui to be embarrassed, but he wanted to know an answer that would make him feel at ease.

Chi Feng is very uneasy at this moment. Maybe it's because she has stayed with Jiang Xinrui for a long time, and she has been prepared for danger in times of peace? When something happened, Chi Feng also learned to magnify these things infinitely, and even began to think about many possibilities.

At the end of the day, there were more restlessness, Chi Feng was very restless.

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