Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4013: : Ambassador

Just as Chi Feng was thinking about his grievance, a cautious male voice suddenly appeared beside him.

Chi Feng was almost aggrieved in tears, but also abruptly held back at this moment.

When there is no one, you can feel wronged whatever you want, or in front of important people, you can do whatever you want, in order to get some partiality, but in front of strangers, Chi Feng is also a man, and he must be in front of his family. It's different. The kind of comfortable breath just now was put away, and at the same time, it released the breath of alienation and vigilance, staring at the person who suddenly made a noise.

The visitor looked like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with a peaked cap. He couldn't make out his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were bright red and slightly tilted. When he spoke, his tongue licked his lower lip.

This look makes Chi Feng really hard to have a good face.

Because of his looks, Chi Feng’s side has never lacked of people who can talk to each other, so when he is outside, Chi Feng is generally very indifferent. Perhaps when he spoke with Jiang Xinrui just now, he showed his weak side, which makes people think He is very talkative.

"You talk to me? I'm fine!"

Chi Feng looked at the face in front of him, as if he couldn't eat at all, he stood up and left immediately after speaking in a cold tone.

Only the moment Chi Feng got up, his eyes suddenly changed. He smelled a familiar breath, saying that he was familiar and a little exaggerated, but he had just met him recently, so Chi Feng was a little surprised when he saw him bye.

But when Chi Feng tried to identify carefully, he felt a little bit different...

"Little brother is so indifferent..."

"Is that a girlfriend just now? I have been watching you for a long time. Have you quarreled? When the girlfriend left, her face was very bad..."

The man watched Chi Feng get up and was about to leave, and what he said did not ease the possibility of continuing. He thought he failed to strike up a conversation, but he was a little disappointed, but after seeing Chi Feng got up, he did not go directly, but instead stood still. When he moved, his eyes lit up suddenly.

The look in Chifeng's eyes also became more eager, knowing that Chifeng didn't want to talk more, so he quickly changed his strategy and said the key points directly, taking out his credentials while talking, the propaganda staff of Jiuyue Town...

"I am the person in this town. You can call me Xiaoqian. To be honest, the appearance of my little brother is something I have never seen before. It's really amazing. Your girlfriend's is also amazing. You two are really amazing. A handsome man with a beautiful girl came here to ask you to be our propaganda ambassadors in September Town. Now there is no facade. I searched for a long time but couldn't find a suitable one. Until I met you, I knew Huangtian was worthy of his intentions! What do you think? Remuneration is easy to say, as long as you agree, your girlfriend will be easy to say..."

"Being a propaganda ambassador doesn’t suffer. We don’t just give you money. You don’t have to spend any money in Jiuyue Town, whether it’s food or play. If I invite you, what do you think? Or what do you have? You can tell me any other thoughts."

The more the man talked, the more excited he was, and he spoke very fast. He was worried that Chi Feng would not listen to him and just left. Then he would be really disappointed and disappointed. It is rare to meet such a man.

"I'm not a local, is it inappropriate to be your ambassador? And how do you know that I am a man?"

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