Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4043: : Pop up all

"Give me all! Otherwise, I will kill you all and know nothing. What qualifications do I have to persuade me?"

"And you... I ask you, what does the mage exist for? Isn't it to help justice, kill demons? Why can't the demons in that person's heart be removed, leaving him to do evil? Now you are here to stop me!"

"You can't help me, no one can help me, I can only rely on myself, you all go, I have never seen anyone!"

Cui Jianqing looked up at the people in this circle, feeling extremely sad, and most importantly, being stimulated by the people around him.

Cui Jianqing was really tempted when he heard what Jiang Xinrui had said. He was able to see what he did and what was in his body at a glance, which proved that Jiang Xinrui’s identity was absolutely different. For a moment, Cui Jianqing thought Jiang Xinrui can help him.

But when they said one after another, Cui Jianqing understood that they were not helping him at all, they still had their own goals, and they might even kill him.

And those villagers who said to help him? Words are also a pitiful mockery of him! He has no mother, and indirectly his father. He was taken care of by the people in this town since he was a child. He grew up eating a family meal, and he was injured and also taken care of...

All this could have been good, but in the end it really didn't work.

Everything has changed.

What are they reminding him? Why does he have today?

After Cui Jianqing finished speaking, he felt firm in his heart. He suddenly raised his hands and his eyes slowly changed color. Of course, please don't imagine the appearance of cataracts, but emit white light.

The white light that should have made people comfortable, but at the moment it is the kind of repressed feeling of resentment, grievance, and hatred.

The sky slowly changed in an instant. It was dark night, but Cui Jianqing, who was standing in the middle of the small yard, was dispersing white light! Then a burst of force came out. Fortunately, Jiang Xinrui reacted quickly. She got up and turned her head and pulled Chi Feng away instantly...

But the people around had no time to escape. Jiang Xinrui didn't have time to save them. Moreover, she didn't have the thoughts at all. She could only guarantee Chifeng's safety in the first place. As for the others, they could only say that they were resigned.


This resignation is just a scream.

How can ordinary people withstand such pressure? He was directly beaten out of this yard, and then a white barrier rose up across the Cui family's yard, and the white light skyrocketed.

"Why did this person suddenly get into trouble? Didn't they all say that he is a good person? That's a good shit! His own villagers have been beaten out. They are all ordinary people. How can I stand it..."

Chi Feng looked at Cui Jianqing who suddenly started his hand in disbelief, and then broke free from Jiang Xinrui's hand to examine those who were beaten out one by one, crying bitterly one by one, and of course there were many cursing Cui Jianqing. There was no such thing as Chifeng. Go and see, because it can still be scolded, it can only show that it is hurt.

But if the injury is serious, you have the intention to swear, so you can tell the injury from the voices of these people. The most serious is that you are unconscious and can't make a sound. It can be seen that Cui Jianqing did not intend to kill the person. Inside.

"Why is he doing this? He is hiding something for whom, he doesn't want to say it? Do we want to break into this enchantment? Even if a mortal has a spiritual power inner core, he will not use it at all, otherwise neither Will not be absorbed into the body until now..."

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