Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4051: : Too much stamina

When Wangchen's words fell, all the monks from Zhaojue Temple came. Such a big movement could not hide anyone. Moreover, these people have been paying attention to Wanfeng, knowing that she is just a bomb, or a timed one. , Now seems to be detonated.

Everyone is working hard, reciting the Buddhist scriptures together, and using all their strength to suppress, but this result is really not good, because after all, it is a human, and this is a calamity, which has exceeded the scope of strength.

"Junior Brother Wangchen, what should I do now? The evil demon will soon be out of control. When her body is completely filled, Wanfeng's donor will die!"

The other brothers found that their power was not working at all. Only the Buddhist scriptures read by Master Wangchen were effective. Although they did not understand why, they also knew that this was a catastrophe, a catastrophe for all of them!

And Wangchen didn't answer anything, but just sat on the ground with the same original intention and went to Hua Wanfeng over and over again, because he had no other way but a sincere heart.

Wangchen also believes that since his Buddhist scriptures have an effect, it depends on what kind of results the effect can achieve, and everything will be revealed today.

"I won't die... I won't die, you will die, and your flesh and blood will be my first meal after being born."

Wanfeng was talking, with a bloodthirsty smile on her mouth, her hands were constantly absorbing the black air coming in from outside, she was changing, and the dimness in her eyes belonged to Wanfeng's original self.

"Die all to me, you dead bald donkeys!"

Wanfeng endured here for a long time. Although this was different from her own thoughts, the grievances she suffered were great, especially when she was abnormal.

At the moment Wanfeng finished speaking, Wanfeng's hands wielded a powerful force to knock these humans flying, even under the Buddha's light, she didn't have a place to turn over. I saw when Wanfeng stretched out her hand. All the masters, including Wangchen, closed their eyes and prepared to take on all of this. There was no way to escape, but to accept.

It was Wangchen who thought it was simple. He thought that Buddha Guang could absolutely suppress all of this, but he didn't want her to break the imprisonment above her head, gain strength, turn her head to suppress them, or even kill them.

To say that Wangchen is not guilty is false, but he also understands that this is a necessary catastrophe. With every step he took, he still has a little regret that he did not get the answer Jiang Xinrui wanted. It is rare that the child would ask him for help...

But even so, Wangchen didn't panic at all, and those who didn't know thought that Wangchen was not waiting to die!


Just when the power of Wanfeng's hands rushed towards Wangchen and the others, a female voice suddenly appeared, and then a stronger force rushed in and blocked it.

Wangchen and others were able to breathe.

And Wangchen knew who the person came without looking back, and didn’t have time to say anything. When Wanfeng’s power was blocked, Wangchen took advantage of this gap and threw out the beads in his hand, on each of the beads. They were all one Buddha statue, a total of 108, and one of them hit Wanfeng's body again, suppressing her to the ground again!

It happened so quickly at that moment, Wan Feng remembered to stand up again, and saw that the prayer beads on her body completely pressed her down, this time she was completely unable to move.

At this moment, all the power that had just gathered in Wanfeng's body was beaten out, and Wanfeng slowly closed her eyes and fainted. She needed too much physical strength for such a big move.

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