Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4056: : Mythical Beast Bai Ze

"I think I haven't come back... If you leave, you should go to me... What's wrong with him? Isn't something wrong?"

"Rui'er, I didn't sleep last night. I heard something outside, but I don't think it was a big deal. I thought they were talking about Cui Jianqing..."

Seeing that there was no Wen Qiao, Chi Feng was sure that Wen Qiao hadn't returned right away, after all, if he returned, he wouldn't be willing to stop like this.

When I thought about what happened last night, Chi Feng felt wrong no matter what.

"I don't know, he hasn't sent me news. If there is no news, it is good news. If he really had an accident, he would have passed the news to me long ago. Besides, at his speed, how many can catch up?"

"It's dawn anyway, let's go see it again. It's hard to ask at night. It's daytime. There are always a few who didn't go last night and haven't seen us. Try it."

Jiang Xinrui led the way, knowing that Chi Feng hadn't rested all night, and didn't think much about it, thinking he was just worried.

In the daytime, Baize Town, how can I say it, made Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng a bright spot.

It's beautiful, it's beautiful.

The eyes are surrounded by clouds and mist, the wind is sweet, the ears are melodious bird calls, and the fragrance of flowers and the fresh taste of sweet spring water, and there is a mortal red dust under the mountains, obviously it should be against peace , But so wonderful.

Because the whole mountain gives people a very peaceful feeling.

Jiang Xinrui didn't understand, why would such a place be poor? Even if the industry is underdeveloped, as well as agriculture and tourism, how can it be so poor? Such a good mountain is as beautiful as a dream.

"Do you know Bai Ze?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at Chi Feng and asked suddenly.

"Baize Town... isn't it?"

Chi Feng was suddenly questioned by Jiang Xinrui, and he was taken aback. He subconsciously remembered that the place they were was called Baize Town, isn't it? Why would Jiang Xinrui still ask him?

But when Chi Feng finished talking about this question, he also reacted. Jiang Xinrui said that Baize and Baize Town were not the same.

And he also remembered and looked at Jiang Xinrui and said, "When you talked about the beast Bai Ze? It is no less rare than my phoenix. I still have my sister and mother, but according to legend, Bai Ze has long since disappeared!"

"He will disappear because of his crimes, and it is also the sins of this world. Bai Ze is a beast of fortune and a beast of Fortune. He will become a beast of God because his flesh and blood can be made into a spirit pill. To improve the cultivation base, how much it can improve depends on the cultivation base of Bai Ze... I know in the library of the heavens that the sacred beast Bai Ze was killed in the end, and not one was left. The old emperor was also After eating, Bai Ze's appearance at that time became a prescription for pharmaceuticals. I can't imagine that they were named **** beasts to satisfy their selfishness. How desperate they had to be, and how sinful the emperor was. I really don’t know how to choose it in the first place. He is!"

"Fortunately he died... It's just a pity that the beast Bai Ze is..."

"But when you said that, I also found out that this town is actually called Baize Town, and I haven't reacted to it before."

"Rui'er, you said that Baize Town would not be the hometown of the beast Baize tens of millions of years ago? Shu Ling actually said that the hometown of the beast Baize is in the mountains, and they were scattered at first. There is no fixed place!"

Chi Feng thought of the book he had read before, and felt a little uncomfortable. When Shu Ling explained to him, there was a phantom picture...

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