Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4070: : The biting pain

When Ge Tianqi's words fell, Cui Jianqing's wrists could no longer burst with blue veins, and his eyes were staring. Cui Jianqing's voice became extremely cold under extreme anger, like a thousand-year-old ice and bone-piercing pain.

"How did you do it?"

Cui Jianqing was asking Ge Tianqi and everyone in Baize Town. He was asking himself why they could do this. Cui Jianqing didn’t directly kill Ge Tianqi, but he didn’t want to listen to Ge Tianqi’s words that he dared not listen to. Every sentence is piercing his heart, and every sentence is for Cui Jianqing to think again and see, Xi Yao's tragic situation at that time.

This is more cruel to a loved one than it hurts him.

"Why can't I get rid of it? What can't I get rid of? What sacred beast Baize cannot be defiled? She is a bastard! The purebred is already dead, without the inner alchemy, it would not be slaughtered!"

"She will do whatever I want! It was the night when she was digging the pill. She didn't dare to ask you to know that she believed me? I stood beside her and looked no resistance. I did whatever I wanted. I don’t know how nice she is to cry, that voice makes me dream of every time I dream back at midnight..."

Ge Tianqi glanced at the machete on his neck. At this moment, he had already scratched blood on his neck. Originally, he wanted to beg for mercy. Who didn't want to live? Only now, Ge Tianqi also noticed that Cui Jianqing hadn't let go of their plans at all.

If you are not going to die, if you are going to die, then say it!

That night, as if it happened yesterday, Ge Tianqi insulted Xiyao, just like venting his anger. Why did Cui Jianqing become disabled and could he stand up again? Obviously he took a bad hand, but he was always pulled at the most ingenious time, just like the time he was saved in the river. How did he almost drown him?

Later, Cui Jianqing was decadent for three years, and that beautiful and pure woman appeared, beautiful like a flower, weak as if a strong wind could break people, fragile dolls, fragile stamens, and she spoke carefully. In the eyes of people with a gloomy life, only breaking is the best result.

In addition, this flower was another stupid, so he believed his words and regarded it as a good person and regarded it as Cui Jianqing's best friend.


The sound of the knife sticking into the body, the flesh and blood separated.

"Ah! My fate..."

Ge Tian cried out in pain.

When Ge Tianqi put on a look of aftertaste and fear, Cui Jianqing directly pierced the knife three inches below Ge Tianqi’s lower abdomen. The two or two pieces of meat are separated from the thighs.

This pain is unbearable by any man, let alone a despicable villain who is greedy for life and fear of death.

"Then you? What does this matter have to do with you?"

Jiang Xinrui's mood is not good at all. She has not seen this person with pure aura and knows what happened to her. He hates Cui Jianqing's incompetence and hates these despicable people.

But Jiang Xinrui hasn't lost her mind, and there are other clues. After all, there is no information about Wanfeng at all.

Then why did Fengying track down here? After a few months, when she and Chi Feng came here, could they still feel the lingering breath of Wanfeng?

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