Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4075: : Not the same

Cui Jianqing's eyes have become different. It can be said that this time, when he said this, his whole body was not suppressed and gloomy, and suddenly became treacherous? There was light in his eyes, and for a while, people couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or not.

But I have to say that Cui Jianqing is very accurate in seeing people, even if he has a bookish face, in fact, when Cui Jianqing can do these things, it has already explained Cui Jianqing's intentions.

It's just that no matter how much water Cui Jianqing said about this matter, his words made the three remaining panting, throwing out the three people other than Cui Jianqing and their faces changed.

It can be said that the three are unpredictable.

The male mage will not mention it for the time being. He always wears sunglasses, just don't want anyone to see his thoughts, but this time when Cui Jianqing finished saying this, the bell in the male mage's hand moved. It was a man. The mage's own reaction was somewhat unexpected.

Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng are different. Chi Feng is the one who reacts the most. Sometimes this child’s on-site reaction is too close to Jiang Xinrui’s, so in many cases, neither Jiang Xinrui nor Chi Feng’s family are very confident. Feng went out alone.

"Then do you think my words to you are trustworthy? Cui Jianqing, is it your rule of life to save others by oneself? I can suddenly foresee your getting along with Xi Yao, you underestimated her love for you , And overestimated your feelings."

When Jiang Xinrui held Chi Feng's wrist and turned around to leave, she suddenly said to Cui Jianqing.

The expression in her eyes changed back to Jiang Xinrui's original faintness.

She is more sympathetic to the girl Xiyao, she loves it with all her heart.

Jiang Xinrui does not deny Cui Jianqing’s love for Xi Yao, but Cui Jianqing is not confident, or that he does not believe that a girl like Xi Yao will like him, so that when something happens, Cui Jianqing can’t stand the excitement. The bigger thing is self-blame. If he believes in the love Xi Yao gave and knows the firmness in her heart, he will not let her leave and wait for her to give a positive answer.

At that time, Xiyao’s blood was really poured into a basin of cold water. In fact, from Cui Jianqing’s point of view, he was paralyzed for many years, coupled with his family situation, he had long been worn out, and suddenly broke into There came a person, he wanted to believe, but couldn't believe it, the words drove Xiyao away, he loved but didn't dare to love, the last word between the two was not between lovers.

"You said you love me? What can I do? What can I give you? I can't do anything. I don't even have the right to get up. I am disabled..."

"Let's go, I'm not for you, and I can't afford your love."

It can be said that Jiang Xinrui's sentence is even more different. It seems very plain and there is no name, but it is like a bomb in Cui Jianqing's ears, because Jiang Xinrui has said it, like a blind guess, and hits her heart directly. , Stuck in Cui Jianqing's body, really terrible.

What did Xi Yao say at that time? There is only one sentence waiting for her!

The last thing he was waiting for was Xi Yao’s dilapidated corpse, which was incomplete...

"I will go to the underworld to find Xiyao, because I am just like her with aura, I really want to see what kind of aura girl she is, it has nothing to do with you, as for what you want to tell me, whatever you want..."

Jiang Xinrui took Chi Feng and didn't look back this time, but she saw Jiang Xinrui muttering something in a low voice, and then there was a gust of wind, even if the sun was shining, she felt bitterly cold...

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