Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4079: : I can't help

"Rui'er, are you familiar with Pluto to this extent? Someone came to invite you when you just entered the underworld? Didn't we explain why?"

"Speaking of the underworld, isn't it the strictest guardian? To put it bluntly, as long as you are alive, you can't step on it! You are also a reminder when you come. How come you are here, like going shopping?"

Chi Feng looked at the armored, aggressive, blue-faced and fangs Yin soldier in front of him who respectfully led the way, and whispered to Jiang Xinrui.

This Yin Soldier looks the most terrifying to people outside, and even in the underworld, it is a fearful existence, but how did Chi Feng feel that they were at the gate of the underworld, and when he saw Jiang Xinrui, the look in his eyes changed instantly, a little bit afraid?

"They should be afraid of my mother... It is said that my mother was very lively in the underworld, and even Hades has become a friend. Maybe they are because of this. They will have a face when they meet me, but I didn't expect to be. It looks so face..."

When Jiang Xinrui said this, her voice was very low and she was a little bit embarrassed. She saw a lot of things indifferently, but she didn't want to use her mother's power to assure Cui Jianqing outside that she didn't think about her mother. But she herself.

Jiang Xinrui is really confident that when she is standing in this place, she is capable of negotiating with Pluto. She also knows that Pluto is very righteous, and what she does is not to change her fate. Jiang Xinrui has never thought about letting Xi. Yao is resurrected, if Xi Yao is really the sacred beast Bai Ze, then her life span is beyond her ability to intervene.

So Jiang Xinrui's first thought was to see Xi Yao again. She really wanted to see her.

Hall of Hades.

"Two please, no need to see you."

Although Yin Bing had blue-faced fangs, when facing Jiang Xinrui, his expression completely changed. His eyes were a little flattering, and more hoped to be less troublesome. They were really afraid of Hua Sheng's family.

Seeing a face that resembled Hua Sheng appeared in front of him, the Twelve Yin Soldiers were shocked for an instant. There was no way. The shadow that Hua Sheng gave back then was too deep, and so many things happened later, Hua The family of Sheng is not a mere mortal, or someone who must not be offended!

In addition, Pluto has also warned that no matter who the Huasheng family is, there is no need to notify him, just go to him, even if Pluto doesn’t say it, they can’t stop it even if they want to stop it, that’s someone who even Pluto can’t do. .

If it was not because Jiang Xinrui was here for the first time, they were worried that Jiang Xinrui could not be found. If Hua Sheng was to blame by Pluto, they would be really scared, so they would like to keep a good door...

"Thank you!"

Jiang Xinrui gestured back, but this head was not waiting to be lowered, and the Yin Soldier bends his knees immediately, not even dare to dare.

Jiang Xinrui...

Blazing Phoenix...

What a shadow is this? When someone sees it, you will definitely be shocked to your chin...

In this way, Jiang Xinrui has no extra time wasting. The above Cui Jianqing is still waiting. He is a person wearing spiritual energy, which is the target of many people, but no one has discovered it yet, otherwise he is like a Tang monk meat. Self-protection.

Jiang Xinrui didn't want to protect him, but didn't want the master of the spirit pill to die in vain...

Entering the Hall of the Hades, there was obviously no wind and sand, but it just made people feel extremely cold, the feeling of cold to the heel, although Jiang Xinrui had defenses, she could still feel this.

"What do you want to do? I can't help out of my duties."

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