Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4084: : The same breath

"I know you still want to see Xiyao. That girl has been reincarnated. Then she has nothing to do with everything in her previous life. It is their family's wish that she can become an ordinary person."

Ming Yan didn't directly say that Xi Yao didn't want to be disturbed. This was what he agreed when he met Xi Yao's family in the past.

So, how could he not know about Xi Yao's existence? He just promised them. He couldn't save their clan. There was no way, but it was okay to choose a stable future for Xiyao.

Listening to Ming Yan’s words, Jiang Xinrui also had a plan in her heart. She had never thought of reluctantly, but if she could see Xi Yao at this time, Jiang Xinrui felt that she could get more news. Now Jiang Xinrui’s mind is getting more and more. The messier! They were obviously in Baize Town last night, so they didn't know anything about it? Who else did you see in the morning? Didn't they run away in the morning because they were afraid of Cui Jianqing's attack on them? How could you be killed overnight, yet you haven't seen the murderer?

"Master Pluto, can I ask you one last question before leaving?"

Chi Feng was pulled by Jiang Xinrui to leave the underworld, but Chi Feng suddenly turned to look at Ming Yan, his tone firm and pleading, he was worried that Ming Yan would not answer him, and he also knew that his identity in the underworld was a bit embarrassing. Except for Bairan these years, even if Chi Feng hadn't seen a few of these bigwigs from all walks of life, they knew that they didn't accept him very much.

Chi Feng is no longer a child now, he is no longer a child, and he can look at Ming Yan, who is equal in height.

Every time Jiang Xinrui pulled Chi Feng behind, she couldn't block Chi Feng's sight. For this reason, Chi Feng did not refuse. He enjoyed the feeling of being protected by Jiang Xinrui, but this would cause Chi Feng to be completely covered by other things. Occupy the mind.

Ming Yan heard Chi Feng’s panic and nodded, thinking that Chi Feng was afraid of him, a little embarrassed. From Ming Yan’s view, Chi Feng had always been protected by others, and his impression of Chi Feng was Protected dumplings.

"Except for the few people who were killed by Cui Jianqing in Baize Town, the number of people here is equivalent to that of Baize Town who was slaughtered. After so many people died, no one saw the murderer? What are the characteristics of the murderer? Or was it blindfolded? How is the face, is there no news at all? He has killed so many people, it is impossible for a person to see him without..."

When Chi Feng said this, his expression was a little anxious. He wanted to know some answers, an answer that could be ruled out.

"They only have one piece of news. The person who killed them was wearing a black cloak. Some people who hadn't even seen the black cloak died on the way to escape. They killed some ordinary people who had no magic power. The other party was very good at disguising if they had some cultivation skills. So they can't ask what is certain."

"The underworld will also investigate it, and besides, if such a big incident occurs, it will definitely be reported. Underworld investigation is different from other methods."

"But what I can tell you is that two days ago, a family of three died on the Jiuyue Mountain. They were tree demons. The cultivation base was not low. They were also secretly killed, but their confession was suspicious, saying that they killed them. The person is also wearing a black cloak. I sent Yin Soldiers to investigate and found out that some of the remaining breath is the same as that of Baize Town..."

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