Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4191: : Not willing to hide

In fact, in Nangong Liuyue’s heart, I can’t say how much I hate Yuqilin, but I can’t say how much I like it again. After these years of secret imprisonment and madness with Yuqilin, Nangong Liuyue feels that she can’t tell whether tonight is. He Xi, just watching Yu Qilin here to make up for the prison, still couldn't help but slap her with a few words.

There is little cynicism. Nangong Liuyue has ever wondered why he chose to stay in the first place? The jade unicorn at that time was not what it is now, why did it become like this? Nangong Liuyue had countless questions in her heart, and she couldn't find a cathartic outlet in her endless suffocation, she could only watch all this like a mentally abnormal lunatic.

Jade Qilin would not let him go. He was watching all the things she did. If he didn't participate, it would be a default. How could Jade Qilin let him go? But the same Jade Qilin would not kill him, because if he died, Jade Qilin would not have a company, even if Jade Qilin didn't like him, one company would be enough.

Nangong Liuyue has been numb from her collapse from the beginning to her current numbness, doing her best to be a punching bag that can quietly listen to all her nonsense, the object of vent...

Sometimes Nangong Liuyue is thinking, these are all tests for him, and are also the sins of his previous life? Otherwise, why would he fall in love with Yuqilin in his head and feel that she needs herself? Looking at Yuqilin again, it is really a wrong step, a wrong step...

Up to now, they have no other way except to acquiesce in all this.

"Where did you get that man? He is just an ordinary person. You took the inner alchemy from his body and stayed here. He can't bear it. Besides, isn't he useless anymore?"

Nangong Liuyue raised her wrist and put it on her leg, making a rattling chain sound, leaning against the dead tree, her eyes did not fluctuate, and she was numb to all these changes, especially when she watched Yuqilin often carrying one. Another person came back. There were men and women. In the end, they basically didn't live. He didn't want to know what Yu Qilin did, but he couldn't hold back Yu Qilin and would keep talking in his ears.

Bringing him out of the dark black hole, Nangong Liuyue knew that Yu Qilin's loneliness had reached a place she couldn't bear, and she was crazy.

After all, if you were not a lunatic, would you do a series of disdainful and taboo things under the tablet of Emperor Fengdu?

Jade Qilin watched Nangong Liuyue wave her wrists to close the collar with some difficulty, covering the mottled marks on her chest, and the chains on her body made noises. Under this silent and lonely darkness, it was particularly crisp.

Yu Qilin still remembers that at the beginning, when she vented at Nangong Liuyue, she also tasted X fruit for the first time, but the irony is that there is no half-distortion in the eyes of the two people, and they are both venting their dissatisfaction and unwillingness. .

But now, Nangong Liuyue's eyes are not even unwilling, as if all this has nothing to do with him, watching her in and out, no matter what she does, there is no fluctuation, the most is when she is willing to talk, it is not painful or itchy. Two words of irony.

Yu Qilin got up and sat on Nangong Liuyue again. At the beginning, he was also a beautiful young man. Now he is really no different from the dead, nor is it right. He is still a man, and his reaction as a man.

But Yu Qilin felt that Nangong Liuyue was deliberate, and his unwillingness was hidden.

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