Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4203: : Xiaobao's eyes

Qin Wanyu followed Qin Xiaobao’s eyes and looked at him. He didn’t see anything. He just saw Jiang Xinrui taking out a piece of jade with good color from his arms in shock. Qin Wanyu had never seen any jade jewelry, but Jiang Xinrui had the piece in his hand. The color of Mo Cui is excellent, and the fineness of Mo Cui is also a rare boutique.

For a moment, Qin Wanyu felt that this thing was not ordinary. It was so cautious that it could be in Jiang Xinrui’s hands. Qin Wanyu felt that this thing must be extraordinary, and Qin Wanyu didn’t know if it was an illusion. He seemed to have seen it just now, and a different light flashed across that piece of Mo Cui.

But when I look closely, there is nothing left.

When Qin Wanyu looked at Qin Xiaobao’s eyes again, he always felt that his son’s eyes were a bit strange, as shocked, puzzled, sad and uncomfortable, even disappointed...

What does a kid know?

The rain outside slowly started to decrease a lot, but the weather was still foggy and dark, which affected people's mood.

"I have something to go now..."

Jiang Xinrui didn't explain anything. Holding the sign with complicated eyes, she turned around and was about to leave, but watching Qin Xiaobao's hand tightly pulling on herself and didn't let go, Jiang Xinrui couldn't bear it. She squatted in front of Qin Xiaobao and looked at him and said, "Sister If your body is fine, don't worry, but my sister has other things to do now and can't accompany you, but you can rest assured that as long as you have time, your sister will come to Fengjia to see you."

After Jiang Xinrui finished speaking, she couldn't bear it, but she still used some strength to push Qin Xiaobao's hand away. When she turned around and left, she seemed to think of something and looked at Qin Wanyu and said, "Don't follow Aunt Fengxi about me today. I’m really fine with things that are uncomfortable. There is also a restriction on Qin Xiaobao’s body. I added another layer. I don’t know how long I can last this time, but I will come here often. Aunt Feng Xi can see me. Restriction, when there is restriction, Qin Xiaobao can go out normally, the aura on his body is covered up, and you can also have a good rest."

"If something happens and I don't come back in time, I must tell me that Qin Xiaobao grew up as I watched. As long as I am here, my mother, including my father, will protect him for a lifetime."

Jiang Xinrui finished speaking, touched Qin Xiaobao's face, turned around and hurriedly left. This time, the Mo Cui brand did not respond, which proved that her situation had nothing to do with Fengying, and it was not related to her at all.

But Jiang Xinrui believed that something happened, not because of the beacon of external interference, that was something else. Jiang Xinrui didn't know what went wrong, so she had to look for it.

After all, this is better than waiting.

It's just that when Jiang Xinrui left, thinking of Qin Xiaobao's eyes, Jiang Xinrui's heart was really uneasy. Why did the child's eyes make her feel frightened? Or it's like... as if sorry for him, as if looking at the husband who betrayed his wife?

Of course this analogy is a bit strange. Qin Xiaobao still looks like a six or seven-year-old child, but that look in Jiang Xinrui's heart at that moment was like this, as if she had betrayed her little husband? This is a bit too much.

Qin Xiaobao likes to stick to her, so it is certain that she prefers her. Regarding other things, Jiang Xinrui thinks she must have read it wrong. The weather today is strange, and she has a sudden heartache just now...

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