Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4211: : Waiting for a long time

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu clasped their hands and looked at the intersection in front of them. Each intersection corresponds to an exit, either a dead end or a way to survive. I just don’t know what this choice will turn out to be. Hua Sheng hopes all this It won't be what I think.

She is not afraid of fighting, nor is she afraid of death, because she has faced death more than once, but Hua Sheng is really reluctant to part with her current life. She has not opened her daughter's heart, and she has not accompanied her daughter like a normal parent...

"Nothing will happen, don't worry."

Jiang Liu held Hua Sheng's hand tightly, and then took the first step and walked in toward the entrance in the middle. Although there were several entrances in front of him, Jiang Liu chose to face him and Hua Sheng. That one, as if something inside was guiding him, in the depths of the cave, it was constantly guiding him, just like when he was standing outside, Jiang Liu didn’t even think about it and chose to find out. These time and space The cracks appeared, and there was a strange sense of familiarity everywhere.

Although the situation on the opposite side is not clear, Jiang Liu knew that this trip was inevitable, but he didn't expect that the last thing he and Hua Sheng wanted to face had appeared.

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu chose the middle path, which is also the one facing them. The more they go, the more they sink their hearts. According to their abilities, they can’t find the bottom for a while. It was very shocking, now the mana cultivation is like hitting cotton, limp and bounced back.

After walking for about ten minutes now, I haven't seen the end, and new turning entrances are constantly appearing around, but Huasheng and Jiangliu have no choice, but continue to move forward towards the middle one.

I don't know how long I walked, and finally a little light appeared in front of me.

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu looked at each other, and they saw hope in each other's eyes. At the same time, they were more vigilant. After the darkness passed, there was finally light, and no one knew what was behind the light.

It was dark all around, Hua Sheng raised his hand to support the wall beside him, it was a little wet, "There is water in front of you!"

"It looks like you can go out soon!"

When Jiang Liu heard Hua Sheng's words, he touched the wall. According to this touch, it was not a bit wet. When I looked up close, the whole wall was full of water drops, leaking from the inside.

Normally, the water droplets like this are the water of the underground river, which should be extremely cold, but when the Huasheng touches the river, it is warm, giving people a warm feeling.

"be careful!"

Hua Sheng held Jiang Liu's hand with a serious expression.

Jiang Liu looked back and comforted him. How could they be afraid because they hadn't seen any storms? I just feel that everything in front of me is too weird! Obviously a lot of dead creatures appeared from these cracks, but when they walked in and found out, after walking for a long time, they didn't even have the breath of creatures!

Now there is a little light, which proves that if they continue, they may have come to an end, or something new may appear.

The two walked in vigilantly in the direction of the light, and the light became brighter and brighter, until everything in front of them suddenly became clear!

A new world has appeared!

There is no sound of snakes, insects, birds and beasts under the blue sky and big trees, blue water and blue sky, and there is even no sign of life in a still life.

Everything in front of me was like a three-dimensional painting. Just as the two were about to step into this land, a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared in the air, and then the white mist dissipated, and a handsome man walked out.

Without waiting for Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu to react, the person who came and said respectfully: "Two of you will come with me, my host has been waiting for a long time!"

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