Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4229: : Whereabouts of the artifact

From Feng Qingcheng's point of view, no one is not afraid of death.

It's just that I haven't found an opportunity to bow my head.

Hearing Feng Qingcheng's words, Bai Ran quickly recovered his emotions. How could he get into trouble because of an image? This will only make Mingyan more dangerous, because they will think threatening Mingyan is more useful to him.

"What the Queen said is...but it doesn't matter whether the villain is afraid of death. As long as the Queen and the Emperor don’t want Master Pluto’s life to go wrong, they can only be threatened by us, and this image is true or false. If it is fake, when Lord Pluto comes back, what bargaining chip do we have? How dare to be such a confident threat? Actually, now, the villain doesn’t hide it. Naturally, our master also knows that the top ten artifacts are not in the hands of the emperor. , Can’t get together for a while.”

"So the time to gather the top ten artifacts will not be short, and the image in my hand is not afraid of the test of time! Because as long as the ten artifacts are not available, Lord Pluto will not get out of trouble."

Xu raised his head and said this in a low voice, collected the video, and waited for the response of the two noble people on the precious chair in front.

"We asked to talk to Ming Yan. This emperor must hear Ming Yan's voice and make sure he is okay."

Bai Ran stared at the shameless man who threatened him with Ming Yan's life.

"The emperor should not threaten the villain. What magical powers does the emperor have? If we detect our trail and lead an attack on us, we are very worried that we will be destroyed by the team, so you can rest assured that you have not received the top ten artifacts We won’t let you contact Pluto at the time."

"But you can rest assured that as long as the ten artifacts have the eyebrows, even if the ten artifacts have not been collected, our host also said that if you find one, you can contact Master Mingyan, but you need to ask. , We conveyed that by then, we don’t know the password of the conversation between you, and you can be absolutely sure whether Lord Pluto is trapped by us.”

Xu kept his head down when answering these words, his temperament was very humble, perhaps because he was used to being enslaved, and the so-called not afraid of death was just numbness.

And what he said was also ordered by the master in his mouth, and he was a messaging machine.

"So you know where the top ten artifacts are?"

Feng Qingcheng directly asked the point, and pressed Bai Ran to stop him from speaking. It was true that Bai Ran heard Xu's answer, and the back of his hand had already squeezed out the veins because of force.

"The queen is smart!"

False answer.

Then raised his hand and threw a half of a sheepskin scroll suspended in the air, "This half of the sheepskin scroll is one of the artifacts, the whereabouts of the Pangu axe, what exactly needs the Emperor and Queen to investigate."

"Counting the Emperor God, the Shennong Cauldron you have taken out is already two artifacts. As long as you get the Pangu Axe, we will tell you what the Emperor wants to ask the Pluto. When the ten artifacts are gathered, we will also release Lord Pluto. After all, Lord Pluto is of no use to us except for trading with the heavens."

After saying this, he passed the half of the sheepskin scroll to Bai Ran's face.

"Your master knows a lot...but he doesn't know that the ten great artifacts have lost their mana, and they are not even ordinary artifacts. What's the use of trying to find them? Besides, you all know the whereabouts of the artifacts, so don’t do it yourself. , To go in such a big circle, even to offend the heaven and the underworld?"

Feng Qingcheng glanced at the blank sheepskin scroll and asked.

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