Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4234: : The bloodstain disappeared

Bai Ran sat on the ground and stopped talking. Feng Qingcheng had already said everything clearly, even leaving him speechless.

In fact, when something like this happened, the point of conflict between him and Feng Qingcheng was that no one wanted to give up the child, but he had to give up temporarily. Bairan couldn't bear it, so how could Feng Qingcheng bear it?

The meaning of giving up temporarily is that they will find the meaning behind the artifact, but if it threatens the Three Realms and Six Paths, they will not be able to exchange it with the children!

As for Mingyan, although the two of them are worried about Mingyan, they also know that Mingyan can escape...

"I remember a Pantao meeting I saw the tripod when I passed by the back pond of the heavens. I was in a bad mood and hit it like a vent, but it didn't move at all. At the time I thought it was too heavy. Things in the celestial realm are naturally extraordinary, but later you said that it was the Shennong Ding, because I didn’t have much memory of inheritance, I just thought it had no spiritual power, and it was not as good as ordinary magical instruments, but don’t you think it’s weird? ?"

Feng Qingcheng did not continue the topic with Bai Ran because she believed that Bai Ran understood very well in her heart that it was not a time for emotional affair, they could only show that they were threatened, and did their best to eliminate all the problems in the Three Realms and Six Paths. Threatening, assisting Jiang Liu and them, this is what they should do.

Temporarily shielding the worries in his heart, Feng Qingcheng believes that the three of them have their own visions and nothing will happen.

"Go and see..."

Bai Ran believed that Feng Qingcheng was definitely able to vent his emotions in no-man places before, and it was normal to hit something.

According to Feng Qingcheng's statement, she used mana, but for a divine tool that was inferior to a common magic weapon, no matter how small Feng Qingcheng's power was, it shouldn't be left untouched.

If it was before, this is indeed not worthy of any importance, but now it seems that everything seems to be revealed unusual.

Bai Ran got up and sorted out his emotions. He was sad, but he wouldn't let Feng Qingcheng resist everything.

The two of them took a heavy step, and they arrived at the back pond of the heavens with a sense of anxiety. At this time, at the source of the back pond was a large bronze tripod with a length of more than one meter and a width of almost two meters. , There is no luster.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Liu's reminder, Bai Ran had also forgotten its origin, because this thing has really been in this place as long as he has memory, as if it merged with the heaven and the earth.

"According to your and my cultivation base, it doesn't take much effort to move it. You can try it."

Feng Qingcheng has tried it, and she can't touch this thing. If the ten great artifacts have really become waste, and the virtual master will not use it so hard, it means that there must be secrets they don't know. .

Except for Shennongding, Bairan and Feng Qingcheng didn't have any artifacts in their hands, so they could only use Shennongding for experiments.

Even if you find a little clue, it will be of great use.

According to Feng Qingcheng, Bai Ran spread out his hands this time and condensed 30% of the spiritual power to shake Shennongding, but when a burst of spiritual power went out, only the opposite Shennongding was really unmoved.

Bai Ran stepped forward and felt the lines on it. It was really unremarkable. It was definitely not because of the weight that he couldn't shake it.

Bai Ran suppressed the shock, and then thought of something. She drew a blood mark on her index finger and walked a circle along the lines of Shennongding. Wherever she went, blood poured in, but with the blink of an eye, the blood stain disappeared.

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