Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4246: : Blocking hard

In Ling Shuning's view, Jiang Xinrui must be a little girl who doesn't know much about the world, and she doesn't know enough about this society, so she will be fooled by Ling Shujun.

Because of Ling Xiao's problem, Ling Shujun is also famous in Ling's family, but the name is not good, after all, a trash, and a sick sister, what's the future?

Although they don't understand what Uncle De's idea is, but they can make Ling Shujun faceless, and they are still happy to see it happen.

Ling Shuning thought about the big deal. Finally, they finished it. Then let the girl take a good look at what a man is.

"Ling Shujun, what are you waiting for? Go and see the child's situation, and quickly save him from the sea of ​​suffering!"

"Let's also take a look at your abilities. After all, your father almost became the head of the Ling family. You are his only son, and your strength must be hundreds of times stronger than those of us who practiced ourselves."

Ling Shuning raised her eyebrows and looked at Ling Shujun sarcastically.

At this time, He Sizhe, who was in silent pain in the room, didn't care at all.

He Zhengguo, who was anxious on the side, wanted to kill, looked at Ling Shide, then at Ling Shuning, and finally at Ling Shujun.

"Don't look at me."

"I don't know anything. I came with my lady. The question of whether you can save your son depends on my lady."

"Besides, at the gate, it was the first time my lady helped. You rushed to us. Just now it was the second time my lady helped. You have to call the police to arrest us..."

Ling Shujun didn't think there was any problem with the ridicule Ling Shuning gave, and then gave up the main position and waited for Jiang Xinrui to deal with it. He knew that Jiang Xinrui had been waiting for a long time.

Although he knew that Jiang Xinrui's purpose was to accumulate blessings, then she would definitely not refuse, but was ridiculed in this way, Ling Shujun himself could, but didn't want Jiang Xinrui to be wronged with him.

My lady directly raised Jiang Xinrui's position, and she was a little bit happy. He not only ridiculed the people who ridiculed them, but also gave Jiang Xinrui a brazen opportunity to collect blessings.

Ling Shide is a fool!

It's just that when Ling Shujun turned to look at Jiang Xinrui, she found that there was no gratitude in her eyes, and she was very cold.

"I apologize for what I did in the morning. I'm sorry for a few people. I'm sorry for all of you, okay?"

"Who can go and see my son now? He is really uncomfortable, he can't breathe, his heartbeat is getting less and less... I beg you to help him, he is still a five-year-old."

He Zhengguo was about to kneel down for these people. Although he didn't know these people, he also felt the undercurrent between them. He only hated his inability to change everything. Now whoever can save his son is his benefactor.

Jiang Xinrui ignored He Zhengguo's words, but walked directly to He Sizhe's room. From seeing this child, Jiang Xinrui had a suspicion, but she was not sure and could not rush to save his life.

Although He Sizhe was so painful that he could not speak, he could still hear the news outside. He looked at the fairy sister in front of him with confused eyes. She looked really good-looking.

Jiang Xinrui noticed He Sizhe's unwavering eyes, and raised his hand to lift the quilt on his body. It is summer, the room is airtight, and the curtains are still drawn. It is strange that He Sizhe is covered with the quilt.

The pain was unbearable, He Sizhe was dying when Jiang Xinrui stretched out his hand to open his quilt, He Sizhe used all his strength to stop him.

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