Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4260: : Meet again

"We will go to a place that can save you! I know you want to live, but I can't save your dad. If you still want to save him, then I won't take you away."

"You can accompany your father through the last part of his life. He abducts people. The laws of the human world will not let him go. Of course, there is also his illness. It seems that he can't live for a few days, so are you going to leave? Choose by yourself."

Jiang Xinrui saw He Sizhe's struggle. It was too small. He understood some things, but he didn't fully understand it. It was just that Jiang Xinrui was unwilling to force others to do something, and she would not take the initiative to do anything.

"Hey, kid! Don't know what is good or bad, Miss Ruier is saving your life! This is not everyone's treatment!"

Ling Shujun looked at He Sizhe but didn't appreciate it, and suddenly he didn't want to.

"I... go with my sister!"

He Sizhe seemed to have a lot to say, but he turned his head to look at He Zhengguo and looked at him coldly, turned his head to make a decision, and no longer resisted Ling Shujun to dress him.

After that, Ling Shujun carried He Sizhe and was about to leave. When he passed Ling Shide who was unconscious on the ground, he asked Jiang Xinrui: "What about this?"

"I don't know, what does it have to do with me?"

Jiang Xinrui threw a word without turning her head and opened the door to leave.

When Jiang Xinrui left with He Sizhe, He Zhengguo raised his head and looked at He Sizhe's back with complicated eyes, and then burned his own home, including himself.

The fire started when Jiang Xinrui and others walked away, but no one spoke.

Because they didn't look back, naturally they didn't know that when the whole house was on fire, Ling Shide's body was dragged out.

Zhaojue Temple.

When he arrived at Zhaojue Temple after more than three hours' drive, Ling Shujun's face was very bad because he knew that Chi Feng was here.

So Jiang Xinrui came to find Chifeng?

"Miss Ruier, what are we doing here?"

Ling Shujun didn't get out of the car, but directly looked at Jiang Xinrui and asked.

"Give him to me and do whatever you want."

Jiang Xinrui was about to pick up He Sizhe after speaking, but she didn't expect Ling Shujun to turn around and refuse.

"Why is Miss Rui'er always like this? Abandon it when you use it up?"

"I know I didn’t help you this time! But I’ve led the way, right! You’ve accumulated good fortune, and I don’t need you to worry about me. I can take care of myself, and I will definitely not drag you back. Just let me follow you. Isn’t that all right? I can really help you."

"I can do any job! You see now, I just leave the job of holding the baby to me."

With that said, Ling Shujun got out of the car holding He Sizhe, followed Jiang Xinrui with low eyebrows, positioning himself as a little nanny.

Then I watched Jiang Xinrui not moving, and after thinking about it, he said, "You can just treat me as a servant. You won't let me speak this time, and I won't say a word."

Jiang Xinrui looked at Ling Shujun's stubborn appearance, and didn't know what to say for a long time, and finally turned around and walked into Zhaojue Temple.

"Keep up, the master here can save him."

When Ling Shujun heard this, he opened his eyebrows and smiled, and followed up.

"Little master...not every master can do it! Those who need a Buddha body, only that has the Buddha's light and are more capable of super purification, because these resentful souls are different."

Ku Yue passed Jiang Xinrui's spiritual sense and suddenly jumped out and exhorted.

"I know……"

"But why are you suddenly able to communicate with me through divine consciousness?"

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