Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4262: : Suspicious

Because of the light of the Buddha in Zhaojue Temple, it is difficult for Ling Shujun to see other information in a place like this. Of course, in a place like Zhaojue Temple, there is nothing messy to dare to mess around.

No, even He Sizhe's breath has become a lot more stable, and those eyes are all calm, not the kind of fear, but the peace that really calms down in the heart.

Those eyes are not tossing He Sizhe, He Sizhe can also feel better, this will also have the mood to look around, come to such a place, he also feels very comfortable, and even a little does not want to leave, if he can stay here, anyway, he There is no home, my father doesn’t want him anymore, and the other family members are also dead...

It’s just that He Sizhe doesn’t dare to say it. After all, he doesn’t even know if he can survive. Besides, people don’t necessarily want to accept him. He Sizhe crawled quietly, with red eyes all the time. He is also a five-year-old child.

"Are you sure? How can the aura here be the same as the aura in Baize Town? There is no temple in Baize Town, and it is even more unlikely that there will be anything like monsters, ghosts and snakes."

"And you didn't mean that the breath you saw in Baize Town was the cold breath from hell. How could it be possible that Zhaojue Temple is a Buddhist holy land?"

Jiang Xinrui squinted her eyes and looked at Ling Shujun in a pointed way.

In fact, Jiang Xinrui has some doubts in her heart, but this doubt has always been a hypothesis in her opinion, and it is impossible.

"I'm not sure if you say that. Maybe what I saw in Baize Town is not the breath of hell. After all, I haven't been to hell. I just think that breath is very consistent with what I saw in the book..."

"But you are right. How could the coldness of **** appear in the temple? So the breath I saw in Baize Town may not be from hell..."

Ling Shujun denied immediately.

Now Ling Shujun is really worried about Jiang Xinrui's doubts about him.

Because of what happened today, Ling Shujun didn't think he really helped her.

But Ling Shujun didn't know what he thought of, and looked firmly at Jiang Xinrui: "Otherwise, when we solve this child, you take me to the underworld, and I can tell what that breath is."

"Donor, please follow me."

Jiang Xinrui was about to say something. The little monk who had just gone and returned just now appeared again and asked Jiang Xinrui to go in.

"Master Wangchen can't get out of retreat, so he still asks the donor to move. Just invite the donor and the children who need to be over-saving to come in. I hope the donor will forgive me."

The little monk bowed his head and said.

"The three of us have to go in. When something happens suddenly, I will explain to Master Wangchen. I also know what he is doing inside, and it won't affect his suppression of someone."

Just when Ling Shujun thought he couldn't follow Jiang Xinrui in, didn't he expect Jiang Xinrui to take him in?

Ling Shujun was particularly moved by this.

Only after the little monk's embarrassed compromise, Ling Shujun didn't take a few steps before hearing Jiang Xinrui whisper beside him: "After entering, tell me what you can see inside, don't let people notice."

Jiang Xinrui said quickly, Ling Shujun almost thought that he had heard it wrong, but when he raised his eyes to see Jiang Xinrui's sure eyes, Ling Shujun nodded quickly, and at the same time was surprised, what was Jiang Xinrui doubting?

Soon, under the leadership of the young monk, Jiang Xinrui and others finally met Master Wangchen.

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