Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4274: : Back to the beginning

"You are now the emperor of heaven, you are in charge of the life and death of the three realms and six realms, and dominate the gods. This is not comparable to your generation and age! I did not go to your enthronement ceremony. Don't blame me..."

"come in."

Although Luoshen didn't know why Bai Ran brought the queen to come, he never saw it again when he decided to ignore the mundane affairs. At that time, Bai Ran was still the king of the fox clan.

And his promise that he would never go to the heavens again was taken back in vain, saying that the two of them had no contact except for this matter.

Therefore, Luoshen was puzzled by Bai Ran’s intention to arrive suddenly. Of course, he was not a person to evasive. Otherwise, when Bai Ran appeared in Jiuhe, he would not continue to negotiate with Liu Ting'an. What's more, what happened between them back then. , It's no secret.

This is why after Liu Ting'an left, Luoshen didn't hide it at all and asked him to come out for nothing.

He knew that Bai Ran was coming, and he knew that Bai Ran had heard it.

"Who is the most magnanimous among these Three Realms and Six Paths? You Luoshen is definitely the number one. I brought back the news of your retiring back then. Why didn't I know that you didn't want to participate in mortal affairs?"

"If you blame you for this, it's me who cares for nothing!"

Bai Ran took Feng Qingcheng and sat opposite Luoshen with a look of nostalgia.

Because Luoshen's personality is really good, he has always said something, even if he targets someone, he will tell you plainly that Bai Ran doesn't even worry about what Luoshen wants to plan.

Luoshen didn't care at all.

"The chair in the Lingxiao Palace is much more comfortable than my water cave. The Emperor of Heaven will not deliberately bring the Queen of Heaven to sit on the cold bench, let's say, what's the matter? But I have to say first, I will not participate in the reincarnation of life and death in the Three Realms and Six Paths. , I did not take action in the battle between gods and demons, and it is the same now, it has nothing to do with who is the emperor of heaven."

"My strength has long been different from that of the past. The Emperor also knows this very well. I live now only by a little obsession. If I really need the power of Jiuhe, my disciple Jing Mi is the best among my many disciples. You should have seen her when she worshiped."

Luoshen took a cup of cold-smelling iced tea and took a sip slowly. He didn't know he thought he was drinking hot tea.

It's just that Luoshen never drinks hot tea.

"Luo Shen is still the same as before, never speaking unambiguously! If you weren't retiring with all your heart, I would definitely come to you often!"

Bai Ran is not polite, but Luoshen seems to be easy to talk, but it is more difficult to touch than Ming Yan, because he doesn't care about anything, it is difficult to enter his heart and talk about friendship.

Perhaps it was because of this. Once emotional, it would be a life-and-death bond, otherwise he would not retreat.

"Do you know the top ten artifacts? They may appear again."

As Bai Ran said, he directly took half of the sheepskin roll in his hand to Luoshen.

"The ten great artifacts are in this world, and there must be catastrophe! I didn't expect that this day would still come, no wonder he would take advantage of this time to persuade me."

Luoshen took the sheepskin scroll with a strange expression, but what he thought of was quickly relieved, what else is impossible in this world now?

"It is said that before the disaster of heaven and earth, there will be a savior who will change his fate, but after the savior is unable to appear, ten great artifacts will appear, and they can work together to restore everything to the beginning."

"However, after tens of thousands of years of evolution, the savior born from the catastrophe has become stronger and stronger enough to be saved. Now it seems..."

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