Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 508: : Fighting

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

On the other side, Hua Sheng didn't know what was happening at home, and Chun Tao was a restrained character, saying nothing.

Huasheng and Jiang Liu and their party were having fun in the hot spring town.

Huasheng's physical strength is not as good as that of Huazhi and Fengfeng, so after a while, I feel a little tired.

Seeing that Hua Sheng was tired, Jiang Liu took the initiative to take her back to the room to rest.

The other four were also happily soaking in the night show. Hua Zhi and Feng Xi also drank a little red wine. The mood was quite beautiful.

But, unexpectedly, in the milk hot spring area, actually encountered a disgusting thing.

This is the case. Milk hot springs and red wine hot springs are basically female guests, and men rarely come.

But there were two big men, and the fat and fat ears actually mixed in.

And as soon as he came in, he was obviously close to Fengxi and Huazhi, and made a move to the two beauties.

You can just do it, but you can still talk to others.

One of them smiled unwillingly, "beauty, are you also here to play?"

Feng Xi glared at them and didn't respond. Hua Zhi was always wearing a mask on her face because she was afraid of being recognized, but she was in good shape. She was wearing a swimsuit and her body was almost bloody.

"Beauty, we are not tourists, but we are big customers here, specially from Manchester City, since we are destined to make friends."

The two men apparently did not come for hot spring baths, but came to hunt for beauty, especially when they saw the wind grows young and cute. Although the female companions around can't see clearly, the bare figure is enough to satisfy the eyes.

So the two men started to skew their minds, but they were right. They were indeed customers of the Wang family, from Manchester City.

The two are also executives of a certain group. They have always been arrogant and arrogant, so they brave the girls to brave others.

"Not interested." Feng Xi refused directly.

Hua Zhi did not say anything, and continued to play games with her mobile phone, ignoring the existence of two fat pigs.

These two men, not to mention their stature, are not too young, at least 40 years old, and one of them is still bald.

It is said that Feng Xi and Hua Zhi are dismissed, even ordinary girls are dismissed.

"Beauty, we are not working out of poverty...we have a place in Manchester City, don't you young women like bags now? Watches? These two of us can be satisfied, so... you two accompany us both One night, how about buying each of you a Chanel bag?"

"My mother sent you a bag?" The wind smiled contemptuously.

"Is there a Cartier blue balloon watch in the head office? This is a good thing." One of the old men showed off, fearing that others would not know he was rich.

"Yeah, it's generous, plus a Hermes platinum bag, won't it?" Hua Zhi asked.

The man stunned, and then smiled, "Hermes platinum bag is more than four hundred thousand, you are a lion, but if you two pleased our brother, it is not impossible."

"Have you two brought a mirror?" Hua Zhi looked at the two of them.

The two looked at each other, wondering what it meant when she asked.

"If you don't bring a mirror, I suggest that you pour urine on the spot and quietly look like your ghost... Your stomach is pregnant for six months, and it's not grassy, ​​its face is rugged, and even the flies fell on the ground. Fatty meat can be made into crispy meat, who gave you the courage to come and talk to us? What kind of B like yourself, don't you know?"

After Hua Zhi finished scolding, Feng Xi was happy.

The two men immediately caught fire and pointed at Hua Zhi, "What are you talking about, why don't you rip your mouth?"

He said that the two men were coming toward them with great force. Feng Xi and Hua Zhi glanced at each other, and they were so eager to fight.

"It's not good, it's bad, it's fighting next door."

The waiter shouted, and Wang Junxian and Qin Wanyu came to look curiously, suddenly dumbfounded.

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