Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 814: :do my best

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Hua Sheng smiled after listening, knowing that he could not hide, he would not hide.

She walked down slowly to Chuntao and looked at her. Chuntao seemed a little guilty, so she didn't dare to raise her head to stare at Hua Sheng.

"Chun Tao, you look at me."

"Miss... I'm sorry." The moment Chuntao looked up, her eyes were wet.

"Why say sorry?" Hua Sheng reached out a hand and stroked Chun Tao's face gently.

In these years, there is no difference between her and Chuntao Ginkgo, which is the same as the sister.

If it were not Hua Lin that day, if it was Chun Tao, Hua Sheng would disregard his own comfort, and would rather oppose the Underworld, but also save her.

"Miss, I know that you are very kind to me these years, and the old lady is also very kind to me... even if you are married and take us with us, my aunt is not thin for us, I should not be so ruthless, but I really love him. I can’t let go. I want to marry him. I want to go to Wancheng to find him."

Hua Sheng's eyes were a little sad, "silly girl, then you know, he is not your beloved? You forgot how he was hurt before?"

"He has already explained it to me and apologized, but it won't happen in the future. No one in love can guarantee that he won't make a mistake, will he? You and your aunt also have some noises."

"Different, your one, different, he will kill you."

Thinking of the Buddha beads, Hua Sheng felt very cold.

"But if I can't be with him or accompany him every day, I'm better to die now than to be killed directly."

"Chun Tao, A Sheng is for you, you have to think about it. A Sheng doesn't let you get married, she even asked me many times in private, let me help you and Ginkgo choose a good man to marry you, she I hope you are happier than anyone..."

"Grandpa, I all know, but what can I do, I can't control my heart... I only ask the lady to give me a free body."

After talking, Chuntao puffed down and knelt down in front of Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng's heart broke when she knelt. What did she want? All she wants is her happiness.

"You get me up." Hua Sheng's eyes also turned red.

Jiang Liu distressed his wife, but as a male owner, he couldn't say too much. He just turned upstairs and advanced his study.

"Miss doesn't promise me, I won't get up."

"In your eyes, I am such a mean person who can drag you deliberately without letting you go? You don’t have a deed to be with me, Chun Tao... You are not begging me, you are forcing me, you are taking These years of love have forced me."

"Miss, I know you are kind to me, and I don't care about you...but I really want to be with him, and beg the lady to succeed."

Huasheng looked up and looked at the ceiling, trying to restrain his tears.

"I'm not incomplete, all men are OK, only he can't, Chun Tao... he can't, you can't follow him, no."

Hua Sheng rarely talks about others stiffly and resolutely, but this time, it is really difficult to face Chuntao.

In the end, both Chuntao and Huasheng wept silently...

After about ten minutes, Hua Sheng wiped his tears, lifted up Chuntao, and picked up the embroidered little handkerchief to wipe Chuntao's eyes.

"Miss..." Chun Tao felt very sad.

"Let's go, since you are so determined, what else can I say, but you must remember...If you are wronged, or sad, come back at any time, come back to me, here is always your home." Hua Sheng's voice Very light, sweet, and soft, as before, without any blame and blame.

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