Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 829: : Girl familiar

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng couldn't laugh anymore and was teased by these two people, causing all the laughs.

I feel that they are a natural pair of living treasures. Previously Hua Sheng felt that Qin Wanyu was an overbearing president.

Later, after being together with Feng Xi, it was discovered that Qin Wanyu was also a tease.

Hua Sheng smiled happily, exposing the dimple, and did not notice that someone in the left left looked at her for a long time.

The man finally couldn't bear to be curious and got up and walked over.

"Hello there."

Hua Sheng turned his head, and after seeing the man clearly, he was slightly startled.

"Girl, take the liberty, let me talk about it first, I'm not going to talk up. I swear that what I said is true, I just saw you, and I feel familiar, so I want to ask if we have seen it?"

The man in front of him was 27 or eight years old, wearing a dark blue casual jacket, black trousers, and Cartier's classic ring on his wrist.

Seeing the position of the ring, it should be a single person, looking very good, although it is not the kind of evil face of Qin Wanyu.

It is also good-looking, clean, and has good eyes.

Hua Sheng didn't wait to speak, and the wind became unbearable. "Brother, this is not a conversation. This method has really exploded. No one used it hundreds of years ago."

The wind thought that this man was in love with Hua Sheng's face, so he came to seduce him.

But Hua Sheng knew he wasn't, because the person in front of her was the one she had seen during the battle of the chaotic graveyard that night.

Ling Xiao, the leader of the younger generation of the Ling family.

But after that time, the Ling family's memory was erased, and they didn't remember the girl under the moonlight, and those magic spells against the sky.

But subconsciously, there will be some familiar magnetic fields, after all, the Ling family also has magic.

So when Ling Xiao first saw Huasheng, she felt inexplicably familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

He finally couldn't help but ask, Ling Xiao came with a few friends, all men, but no female companions.

He admits that this woman is indeed a beautiful thing, but he really feels that he has seen it.

"No, I really didn't talk about it. I'm sure that we must have seen it before."

Although Ling Xiao's perception is not as good as that of old man Ling, he is also a leader among young people. In addition to the dead Ling Qi, Ling Xiao is most talented.

So the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more certain that he must have seen this girl.

"We haven't seen it. I really don't know you." Hua Sheng replied politely.

"Such?" Ling Xiao was disappointed.

"Maybe I look like someone you know." Hua Sheng explained.

"That's possible, sorry, bother." Ling Xiao apologized, then turned around.

"Where have we seen it before, do you remember?" The wind sang the song naughtily, deliberately teasing Huasheng.

Hua Sheng calmly drank plain boiled water and did not answer.

"A Sheng, you're on the road of peach blossom again. Do I have to calculate it for you? How many rotten peach blossoms will there be this month?"

"Don't make trouble, he didn't talk to him, he did see me, but I washed his memory."

"My God...when did I not know? What did you do with your back on your back?" The wind responded a lot. Of course, the second half of the sentence was a joke on purpose.

Hua Sheng whispered, "He is Ling Xiao, Grandson Ling's grandson. We had seen the graveyard battle that night, we have seen it, and we fought side by side together. Because the Ling family wanted me to join them, I was afraid that there would be trouble later, They cleaned their memories directly, but the Ling family also has a sense of perception. It is estimated that they saw me and found that familiarity."

"Relying on... It was the Ling family, I saw it for the first time, he is Ling Xiao... It is said that the old man Ling just announced five days ago that he is the next head of the family," Feng Xi said.

"Well, he's pretty good." Hua Sheng nodded.

After Ling Xiao went back, a friend beside him took the initiative to say, "Xiao, that girl seems to be the wife of Jiang Liu. Did you know Mrs. Jiang before?"

Ling Xiao was stunned again. He didn't know how to answer for a while. He felt that the girl looked so small just now, that is, 20 years old. How could it be someone else's wife?

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