Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 851: :in a moment

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Govern, continue to govern."

"Then you have to continue to renew the 100,000. This gift pack is very cost-effective. You can also give the patient twelve times of psychological counseling, three electric shock therapies, and three bottles of sedative drugs. By the way, there are eight advanced baths for the patient. And an opportunity for outing therapy."

"Yes, I will go to swipe my card now."

Hua Zhenyue doesn't care about any gifted projects at all. To put it bluntly, this 100,000 is to buy yourself peace of mind.

If Zhang Qian didn't meet him at the beginning, he might not get to this step.

But there is no way to avenge Zhang Qian, after all, the murderer is his own daughter.

Even if Hua Qing now severs his relationship, there is no way to send her to jail or to start her.

So Hua Zhenyue can only make up for it with money, but it is a pity that Zhang Qian will never understand what he does.

Zhang Qian's consciousness has entered another world. In that world, there is no Hua Zhenyue.

On the other side, Hua Sheng, who was going to live in the vegetable garden's cabin at night, suddenly received a call from Bai Hao, saying that Hua Lin was about to give birth.

This can make Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi anxious, and a group of people drove to Jiangcheng overnight.

In fact, Huasheng is still five days away from the due date, but just in case of hospitalization in advance.

That night, Bai Hao fell asleep, and Hua Lin got up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet.

She immediately called her husband, and then called the doctor into the delivery room.

Bai Hao was in a hurry, and the Chinese couple also came, waiting for them outside the delivery room.

At this moment, Hua Lin is in a bad situation.

Originally prepared for a laparotomy, but Huasheng's physical condition suddenly had abnormal data and did not meet the conditions for surgery.

If the baby was born, the fetal position was not correct, and Hua Lin was sweating, but the situation was still bad.

The female doctor came out, "Families come."

"We are here, doctor." Madam Hua stepped forward in fear, and Bai Hao and Hua Zhenyue also followed.

"The patient's condition is not very good, whether it is a childbirth or a cesarean section, there are risks."

"How could this happen?" Madam Hua committed a heart attack.

The female doctor sighed, "The patient's condition is very special, I don't know what is going on, but it really does not meet the regulations of the operation, the blood pressure soars, and we are afraid of major bleeding."

"How about smooth delivery?" Bai Hao couldn't do it urgently.

"If the childbirth is delivered, the child's fetal position is not correct, and the head is slightly biased. We didn't give me a five-minute negotiation to choose a method. You must also sign a risk-taking agreement, otherwise we will not give surgery and delivery. "


"Dad, Mom, what shall we do?" Bai Hao panicked.

"Quick, give Xiaozhi, A Sheng, they call and ask them." Madam Hua did not pay attention, after all, this is a matter of life.

Bai Hao called Huasheng directly, and Huasheng was shocked and scared.

Feng Xi pinched a finger, "A Sheng, tonight is the fifth house of the wind, it is not suitable to see blood."

Hua Sheng immediately understood what she meant, and immediately said to Bai Hao, "Tell, give birth, don't have surgery."

"Okay, well, listen to you."

Bai Hao has 100% trust in Huasheng, so the doctor said their request immediately after hanging up the phone.

At this moment, the underworld

"You should take back Hualin's life at that time. The child in her stomach shouldn't have been born, it's better to take the opportunity..." Bai Ran's meaning is very obvious, let Pluto move his fingers, Hualin will also be The child went directly to Huangquan.

Even though Hualin has a Soul Talisman on his body, it is not a problem with his strength, only whether he is willing.

"You hesitated? You don't want that girl to be sad?" Bai Ran smiled cunningly.

Simply put, the life and death of Hua Lin and her children are all between Pluto's thoughts. As long as Pluto's consciousness moves, Hua Lin's mother and son will be unable to return to heaven.

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