Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 856: : Without your name

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Then go, you have the final say, after all, you are the Lord of the Underworld."

Pluto: ...

"What's your attitude?" This girl is really mad at Lord Pluto.

Hearing the next eighteen layers of hell, aren't ordinary people scared? Why is the cloudiness of this stinky girl light.

"Will you let me go if I have a good attitude?" Hua Sheng asked back.

Pluto: ...

Bairan couldn't help but jumped out and couldn't laugh.

"Hahahahaha, Hades you have today too, so enjoyable, girl, good job."

Bairan was actually there all the time, just hidden, but Huasheng didn't realize that it was too normal.

After all, this fox has lived for thousands of years.

So suddenly a person came up and Hua Sheng was really taken aback.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you can let Pluto deflate, just at this point, I will be your friend." Bai Ran was very excited.

Hua Sheng was confused.

"You don't want to mess up." Pluto glanced white.

"No, I'm here to see the excitement, you continue." Bai Ran waved his hand, a small bench appeared, he was sitting in front of the small bench, really looks like watching the show.

Bairan looked at Huasheng carefully, although she had a stunning beauty, but in Bairan's eyes, she didn't find it very strange.

After all, the Fox family has always been known for its beauty, and Bairan itself is a demon.

He was just curious. The girl was so powerful at such a young age.

Looking at the weak, soft, what can be done are shocking events.

First, the soul was suppressed and the dead soul was suppressed, and Hualin was forced to stay in the world.

Then fight against the twelve ghosts, a nine-day mysterious fire, and escape the embarrassment they burned.

Then write a letter to Pluto, make direct requests, and bargain.

After being rejected, the idea of ​​violently going to the gate of the underworld, forced Pluto to give up the soul of Hua Lin.

Now it is even more breezy, confronting Pluto, and there is no low profile, this woman, absolutely.

It's no wonder that Sanjie Liudao does not have her name, and this courage and courage should not be the common people in Sanjie Liudao.

Bairan really likes it more and more. Of course it is not the kind of love of men and women. It is an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

If, as Hades said, she is the only one who can use Jiutian Xuanhuo, then... she is really a descendant of Jiutian Xuannian Niangniang.

Well, Bairan is also a relative. After all, Bairan's mother is a descendant of the mother.

Hua Sheng ignored Bairan and glanced at Pluto, the cold man, "Speak, what do you want to do?"

"What do you say?" Pluto thought the woman was too optimistic.

I really thought I would use Jiutian Xuanhuo, and I would be invincible in the world. I really haven't suffered.

Jiutian Xuanhuo is powerful, but she will be the second tier, and she won't be able to do it herself.

It's just that Pluto didn't want to do it, because he was afraid that the Three Realms and Six Ways said he bullied a woman, and the gossip was spread out, which was a joke.

Huasheng wins over the weak, Pluto has some scruples.

"Hey, little girl, who the **** are you?"

He said nothing, but Bairan still couldn't help it.

"I am just an ordinary person." Hua Sheng replied calmly.

"Don't make trouble... Will ordinary people beat the twelve ghosts? Will they use the devil to calm the soul? Do you dare to face Pluto? What kind of species are you, the little girl outside the Three Realms and Six Ways? I'm interested. Are you an alien? Are you from an azure planet?"

Huasheng: ...

"Isn't this a joke time?" Hua Sheng felt that this person was so unreasonable.

"Don't you know? You don't have a name in Sanjie Liudao?" Bairan was even more curious, tilting Erlang's legs, and the tail of the fox in the back was tall and cute.

Hua Sheng was shocked after hearing this.

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