Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 863: : Become sticky

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Chun Tao paused...

"My home has a monitoring system all around, and as soon as someone steps in, I find out."

"You lied, I checked, there was no monitoring."

"That's because, the surveillance camera is hidden, how can you find it?" Hu Xiao smiled as he lifted the splash with his hand and stroked his arm.

Chun Tao suddenly had a bad hunch, but she couldn't control so much, she couldn't come in vain.

So he picked up the dagger and stabbed at Hu Xiao.

With a bang... Chun Tao lay on the ground after the muffled sound.

On the back is an anesthetic.

This is the kind used by hunters when catching beasts. The anesthesia effect is extremely strong, even a cow can be knocked down instantly.

So Chuntao equals self-investment.

Hu Xiao suddenly felt that the woman was stupid and terrible, and she had no meaning at all.

But she couldn't move her. After all, Wu Nan still had use value.

"Sister Hu, how to deal with this woman?"

"Oh, give it to Wu Nan, let him handle it, I'm too lazy to control it."


Wu Nan was drinking at night, having fun and meeting with several Southeast Asian buyers.

After hearing this, it was very unpleasant.

"Shut it up and be hungry for three days. It will be honest if you suffer a bit."

Wu Nan's attitude towards Chuntao is just like that of the stray dogs, and he doesn't want to take care of it at all.

So Chuntao anesthesia is over, the moment you wake up, it is estimated to be more uncomfortable than death?

Wu Nan has a purpose from beginning to end. What is stupid and stupid is nothing but a lie to deceive children.

Wu Nan didn't even want to recall the past.

He just wanted to get his own things back.

In a nursing home in Wancheng

An old lady in a wheelchair looked dull and looked into the distance.

Wu Nan knelt in front of her and put a jade bracelet on her hand, "Mom, didn't you like the jade bracelet before? At that time, in order to treat me, I went to work as a nanny for others. Envious, I also said that when I grow up and make money, I will buy one for you. Now I have the ability. Have you seen it? Did you see it? This is the jade bracelet brought by my client from Myanmar. Value Liancheng, I’m giving it to you, you have to live well... The beast of Huazhen Yue is not dead yet, how can you die? Right?"

The old lady didn't respond at first, but after hearing the name of Hua Zhenyue, there was obviously an ups and downs.

"Where is Huazhen Yue, where is the young master? I want to see him...I really want to see him...I want to tell the young master, I want to tell him, the child is his, it's his...I'm not sorry for him Don’t believe what others say, I’m the only one in my heart."

"Mom, you wake up, he is a scumbag, it is not worth your thoughts... he has been a big fish and meat for decades, and our mother and son are not as good as pigs and dogs in these years... I will not let him go, soon ...My plan will soon be realized, and when the time comes... As long as it is the Chinese family, I will die a little bit... I will let them pay for their blood."

Wu Nan's eyes were cold, and hatred had blinded his eyes.

Ten miles of spring breeze

As soon as Jiangliu came in from get off work, Huasheng rushed to coquetry.

"Mrs. Jiang, what's wrong with this?"

"Can I go to work with you tomorrow?"

"Why?" Jiang Liu smiled.

"Because I want to be with you all the time, I want to go to work with you and get off work all the time. I will stick to you and make your dog skin plaster." After that, Hua Sheng rubbed the river's chest with his face, especially sticking people. , Sweet river, a heart melts instantly.

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