Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 867: : In the end kindness

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Wang Junxian really thought that Hua Zhi had just left, how could she know that she was intentional.

He hid himself, just waiting for him to come out, come and go so that scary people can really scare people.

Wang Junxian's powerful heart was thumping at this time.

"Are you sick, are you a child?"

"Hahaha, I laughed to death, you look at your face, it's all cucumber-colored." Hua Zhi pointed at Wang Junxian and burst into tears.

Wang Junxian really wanted to smoke, Capricorn is a person who can't make jokes, and he doesn't like others to make jokes.

So if the person in front of him is not Hua Zhi, he will really carry the clothes, throw them out, and be blacklisted.

But it's just that the second thing in front of you is a woman she likes. What can you do? Sinfulness.

Everyone said that one thing fell one thing, Hua Zhi always said that she was cured by Wang Junxian.

In fact, in the eyes of the Wang family, it was Hua Zhi who surrendered Wang Junxian.

In the past few years, I have never seen which woman he is so loyal to, including in the kindergarten before, he has never shown his passion for which opposite sex.

The walking refrigerator, a thousand-year-old iron stone, rarely blooms once.

As a result, I also encountered a person who was so uneasy and depressed.

Wang Junxian was terrified, clutching his chest and walking angrily to ignore Li Zhi.

Hua Zhi took out the spirit of death and shamelessness, haunted Wang Junxian, and kept on nagging and nagging.

Then coquettish and cute, all kinds of shameless.

In the end, Wang Junxian still fell under the pomegranate skirt. There was no way. In the words of Qin Wanyu, it was the heroes who were sad to the beauty.

The women of the Hua family are more powerful than the others. Bai Hao, who was eaten by Hua Lin, died, even if she had cancer, Bai Hao did not marry her.

Hua Sheng was so fascinated by the river flow that he wished to hold it in his hands and hold it in his pockets, not to see his wife aggrieved.

Not to mention Wang Junxian, for his beloved woman, she directly sent her grandmother away.

Although the old lady is a demon, but in all fairness, Wang Junxian will not do it without Hua Zhi, anyway, they are used to being a demon.

Besides, the old lady of the Wang family, just a few days after going to wash her face with tears.

Ye Lan is more realistic. After arriving there, she ran away after three days with the excuse of having something at home.

It is said that after returning home, he hooked up the son of a wealthy man in town and became pregnant quickly. I don't want to be entangled with the Wang family.

However, Ye Lan's parents were somewhat reluctant, saying that Ye Lan was not cheap in the Wang family.

Suddenly, the old lady was wronged by 100,000 yuan, and this matter was considered to have subsided. However, the old lady of the Wang family also thoroughly saw these best relatives and will not be killed in the future.

"Your grandmother... is it still there?" Hua Zhi asked with some concern.

"En." Wang Junxian smoked with one hand, hugged Hua Zhi.

"Ye Lan?"

"Run away, the woman was already bad-hearted, how could she stay if she saw no profit."

Wang Junxian sneered when he said this, Hua Zhi softened, and really blamed his boyfriend before.

"Uh... Then let grandma come back, although there is nothing missing there, but after all, he is older and wants to be with his family."

"My grandma is so kind to you, you still help her talk, are you a little angel?" Wang Junxian gave Hua Zhi a soft look.

"No, I just think that she is not easy. In fact, my grandma used to be good to me. In the end, my attitude towards me was also changed because of my dad. My dad was really disgraceful. Grandma’s, Ye Lan is gone, I am naturally not hostile to her, take it back?"

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