Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 874: : Much worry

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng was very helpless, glanced at the flower, "Bring it."

Ginkgo carefully brought the flowers in, and also specially reminded, "Miss, Rose has many thorns, you have to be careful."

"it is good."

"Otherwise, shall I trim it for you?"

"No, put it here."

After Gingko went out, Huasheng looked at this beautiful bouquet of roses, and at first glance at the packaging, he knew that it was unprofessional, not the kind of flower shop.

It was Xie Dongyao's words that Xie Dongyang picked it himself.

I thought that after the last thing, he would look away from some things, but he knew more, but he was even more obsessed.

Hua Sheng is very distressed, Xie Dongyang is good, but Jiang Liu is her love.

She couldn't hurt the man she loved deeply, so Xie Dongyang could only be the one who was sacrificed.

This color of rose flower has a special flower language.

Huasheng likes flowers very much, so he pays special attention to the flower language of each flower.

The rose of this color, the flower language is-I have fallen in love with you crazy.

What kind of attachment is this?

Hua Sheng sighed slightly and sat in the master bedroom without knowing what to do. The last time Xie Dongyang blocked the falling iron plate for her.

This time Xie Dongyang went to pick roses, and his palms were bloody.

Although he knew that he was not morally kidnapped, Hua Sheng was already kidnapped and could not escape.

It is not wrong not to love someone, nor is it wrong to be lovely.

No one is wrong, but Xie Dongyang loves the wrong person.

Hua Sheng decided that this matter was still waiting for Jiang Liu to come back and ask him what she meant. She didn't want to hide anything from Jiang Liu, especially in private matters.

On the other side, Xie Dongyang came with tingling in the palm of his hand.

It felt like it hurt from being stung by a jellyfish.

"Ning Ning, come, and give your uncle some medicine."

"Due to it, don't change him and make him hurt."

Xie Dongyao stared at his brother fiercely, not letting his niece go.

Xie Ning and Xie Dongyang are good, so they can't bear to take the cotton ball and disinfectant, and come to wipe the second uncle again.

"Are you sick? Why are you suffering? Are you looking for abuse?"

"You kindly said to me, did you still have to die for Qin Wanyu?" Xie Dongyang also did not open which pot.

Xie Dongyao's angry pillow flew, and Xie Dongyang leaned his head away.

"Yes, our Xie family didn't have a worry, originally thought Big Brother was worried, but Big Brother is now... confused, oops... what's wrong with this?"

Xie Dongyao was really upset recently, and her sister-in-law went abroad with her children, thinking she was visiting relatives.

But this time Xie Ning came back, Feng Yu didn't come back, it means that something happened between the husband and wife.

Mrs. Xie repeatedly asked, Xie Dongze said, Feng Yu was going to divorce.

The Xie family was shocked from top to bottom. Xie Yunqi overturned the table on the spot and slapped Xie Dongze.

Xie Ning cried in horror, thinking that Big Brother was the most worry-free. How could he know that he is getting older now?

Xie Dongyang did not ask carefully, and knew that it must be related to that female college student.

The girl who looks like Xie Dongze's crush, is Bai Yueguang.

"Auntie, don't mention that thing, I'm so sad...if it's really separated, I'm a single baby." Xie Ning grunted.

"It's okay, you, me and your second uncle, and grandpa and grandpa, let your dad get out of Xie's house quickly and take the sister-in-law back, we are the family."

"Sister-in-law will not come back." Xie Dongyang said.

"You shut up, the **** is not allowed to speak." Xie Dongyao was very angry.

At this time, Xie Dongyang's cell phone rang and he answered the phone.

"I am Ai Chen." There was a nice voice over there.

"Oh, Hello."

"Is it convenient to meet? I'm right outside your house." Ai Chen said.

Xie Dongyang was stunned, and then he stood in front of the window and opened the monitor. Sure enough, he saw Ai Chen hovering at the door.

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