Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 878: : Wife of Bran

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

At 12:30 in the middle of the night, Huasheng did not sleep yet, and Jiang Liu was asleep.

She has been getting less sleep lately, and her body will become more energetic tomorrow. It is like saying that she sleeps for two hours, which is equivalent to eight hours for others.

So she had less sleep, she would naturally read the book, pass the time, and see Xie Dongyang sent WeChat to reply in a timely manner. ,

Hua Sheng: I haven't slept yet.

Xie Dongyang: Then I want to say a few words to you.

Huasheng: Good

Xie Dongyang: Seeing a girl today, I feel...much like you.

Hua Sheng: Am I so public? (Laughing)

Xie Dongyang: It's not that it's not, it's not similar in appearance, it is temperament.

Then Xie Dongyang talked to Hua Sheng before and after knowing Ni Wenwen, especially when it came to his life experience, and the two also sighed.

"If you said that, then I really have time and really want to meet." Hua Sheng said.

"Well, I have a chance to introduce you."

"Your hand..." Hua Sheng actually wanted to ask, what about the hand stabbed by the rose?

"Ah, it's okay, I have a thick skin, haha, a piece of cake."

"Well, go to bed early."

Hua Sheng didn't say much, and ended the chat in one sentence. Although Xie Dongyang was reluctant, he was not so cheeky.

Before ending the chat, Huasheng sent a few photos of Xiaobai and Xiaohei children.

Hua Sheng feels much better when he sees it. The pictures of kittens are very healing. Even the rivers have become cat lovers.

Of course, Jiang Liu's love of house and Wu is bigger, because his wife likes it, so he likes it.

On the other side, Xie's family has not been quite peaceful recently. Xie Ning became ill and was flu, but this time the flu is very severe and he has had a fever.

Xie Yun asked her granddaughter to get a family doctor's injection and hang water.

Xie Ning lay in her grandmother's arms and cried, "I want to find my mother."

Mrs. Xie's sadness and she couldn't help wiping her tears, "Ning Ning is a child, he still wants to find his mother, but Feng Yu doesn't answer my phone... I didn't answer the phone recently, and I didn't answer the text message, his dad. Ah, what are we going to do, are we really going to divorce Dongze and Xiaoyu? I really can't accept it."

Xie Yun looked sad and didn't know what to say.

At first everyone thought it was awkward.

However, it was later discovered that it was not that simple. Feng Yu had not been back since he returned to his family.

At the beginning, he would occasionally send a video by phone to Xie's family. Later, it was almost impossible to contact.

Xie Dongyang had an accident a while ago, and Feng Yu sent Xie Ning himself to the plane, and she did not return.

Xie Yun and his wife scolded Xie Dongze, and even suffered from Xie Yun's whip.

But it's useless, although Xie Dongze didn't directly say he wanted to divorce, but inside and outside, it was obvious that he had no affection for Feng Yu.

The whole family ignored him now, and he was free. He moved directly to the female college student.

I heard that she bought a 200-square-meter cross-layer for the girl and a white BMW sports car.

Probably because Xie's family was very resistant to this matter, Xie Dongze less and less returned to his old house for dinner.

"Call the beast and tell him that Ning Ning wants to find her mother."

Xie Yun was also angry and asked his wife to call her elder son directly.

Mrs. Xie picked up her phone and dialed it.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Your girl is sick, come back."

After talking, Mrs. Xie hung up the phone, and Xie Dongze drove directly back to the old house before leaving get off work at the company.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my daughter lying on the sofa with hanging water, which was very distressing.

"Ning Ning."

"Dad, you said, the wife of the bran is not forgotten, is this sentence right?" Xie Ning still posted a fever-removing post on his forehead. This question asked Xie Dongze.

He was stunned.

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