Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 898: : Two viper

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Sure enough, Wu Nan poked, Hua Qing no longer dared to act rashly.

Just let go of her hand and sat back, seeing her acquaintance, Wu Nan also let go of her hand.

He also deliberately disliked the wipes and wiped them, as if his hands were dirty.

"This brother, haven't I offended you?" Hua Qing looked at Wu Nan's face again, making sure he didn't know.

"No offense."

"Then why..."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to find fault, I'm here, I want to find you to cooperate." Wu Nan smiled.

"Cooperation? It is estimated that you are going to be disappointed. I am no longer the helm of the Hua family. I was removed from the family. Now I have no shares and funds. It is miserable. There is nothing more to show off, so you come. I am looking for the wrong person."

Hua Qing is very calm and tells the man in front of him about his situation, letting him retreat from difficulties.

Wu Nan smiled, "It doesn't matter, I know your situation is precisely because of this... We are all the way... Hua Qing, do you hate everyone in the Hua family?"

Hua Qing hesitated and nodded.

"Very well, I also hate that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, do you understand this?"

Hua Qing was a little confused.

"Don't doubt, I also have hatred against them, I think we will work together against them... it will be easier, what do you say?"

"But I already..."

"It doesn't matter. I have both money and people. What I need you to do is to act with me... Of course, there are many personnel and resources within the Huajia Group that only you know. I need your help."

Hua Qing always heard and finally understood.

This man is an enemy of the Chinese family and is determined to put his family to death.

To be honest, she might have agreed without any hesitation before, and she would be very excited.

But now, it's different.

She has not been pregnant for many years and now has children. Although not her husband, she is also the flesh of her body.

She wants to protect her children, give birth, and then live her life.

Those who don't want to fight, kill and kill, just care about those.

"This gentleman, I'm sorry, I now...I don't want to do this anymore. I have children. I'm about to become a mother. I want to live a good life."

After Hua Qing said this, Wu Nan had a transparent glass bottle in his hand.

Inside is a transparent liquid, similar to water.

"I can guarantee that if this is given to you, you will be fine, but your child will die."

"Dare you?" Hua Qing was furious.

"There is nothing in this world that I dare not, you really don’t mind me... choose, you agree, I keep you and your children alive, you refuse, you can go out, after all, I don’t want to cause trouble to myself , But your child can't live."

Hua Qing took a cool look, looked at Wu Nan next to him, looked at the few big men outside the car door, and knew that he could not escape this robbery today.

In the end, only for the children to agree.

"I promise you, don't hurt my child."

"Haha, I can't think of it... The most poisonous snake in the Hua family actually has something to care about... It seems that you have changed a lot after pregnancy." Wu Nan looked at Hua Qing seriously.

Hua Qing was also unwilling to respond directly. "If you can cooperate with the poisonous snake, it also proves that you are not a good kind, so don't laugh in fifty steps?"

"Haha, yes, you are right to say that, my venomous snake, find your venomous snake... two venomous snakes together...will inevitably wipe out the entire Chinese family..."

Wu Nan clutched the beads tightly, as if the winning ticket was in hand.

Hua Qing's mood is very complicated...

She hates the family, but if they are all dead, it seems that...

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