Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 913: : You were dumped

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi's words in Feng Xi's heart were fluffy.

She was a little flustered, got up and packed immediately, and drove to the spring breeze.

Coincidentally, Hualin and Fengxi are also here, maybe knowing that Hua Zhi will come today, so they are waiting.

Jiang Liu went to work as always, and comforted Hua Sheng before leaving. Don't worry too much. Feelings are not helped by others.

Having said that, Hua Sheng still pinched a cold sweat for Hua Zhi.

So when Hua Zhi entered the door, the three women sat in a row, and Hua Lin held the sleeping child in her hand.

Gingko took the baby from Hualin in a sensible manner, "Miss Four, give me a hug, your arms must be sore."

Hua Lin smiled, "This child is heavy, and you are tired to hold. You just put it on the sofa, it's okay."

Hua Lin is really not coquettish at all, and the children are looking after them like ordinary children.

Although their parents-in-law took care of their treasures, the Chinese and Chinese couples also felt pain in their hearts.

But Hua Lin's mentality was quite peaceful, and she felt that this was just an ordinary child.

Hua Zhi and Hua Sheng were also terrible to the child. They spent a lot of money on the child, and the purchases were piled up like a mountain, which could not be stopped.

Not even Hua Lin strongly opposed, Hua Zhi directly bought a large house of 170 square meters for Hua Lin.

Don't look at it, it's only 170 square meters, but because it is a high-end community, the overall price is very expensive.

Huasheng wanted to pay half of the money, but Huazhi refused, so he said he could afford it.

Helpless, Huasheng can only give the decoration costs.

What is astonishing is that the decoration of this 170-square-foot house took a million dollars.

The decoration style is new Chinese style, a bit of a spring breeze.

Because Hua Lin is a student of history, she also likes the Chinese style very much. She praised this style for the first time in the spring.

Therefore, Hua Sheng took the lead and Bai Hao was afraid to speak. After all, the Chinese people were all local tyrants.

Hua Lin was moved, her eyes were red, and she only lamented that she had a good sister.

Sister Hua Feng was not prepared, but the third and fifth children were prepared. Her elder sister wouldn’t look good even if she didn’t give it away.

Simply changed Hua Lin's car in his own name. Hua Lin used to be a Japanese car, very low-key.

Hua Feng sent a black Audi A8 directly, and it will cost one hundred thousand to come down, no less than Hua Sheng.

In this way, the Hualin family really gained a lot because of their children.

However, Hua Lin was also known as a touching person, without pride.

When the words came back, Hua Zhi shook the car key in his hand. "You really impeached me here, haha."

"Three sisters, can you still laugh?" Hua Lin was worried.

"What's wrong with me? I didn't kill anyone or set fire, really..." Hua Zhi hasn't realized what mistakes he made, what's wrong?

So he sat on the sofa with an unhurried buttocks, and took a green bag in his mouth.

As soon as I turned around, I saw the little nephew in Ginkgo's arms.

"Oh me, my little nephew actually came, hug my third aunt."

"Miss Three, the young master is asleep." Ginkgo coaxed carefully.

Hua Zhi stopped now. She looked at Hua Sheng, and she never smiled.

"What's wrong with Wumei, her face is so stinky, is she arguing with Jiang Liu?" Hua Zhi asked.

The wind sighed a little, "My grandma, you are boundless, and have raced against the blue sky and the black land."

"What's wrong, you don't say anything, where do I know?" Hua Zhi tilted her head.

Huasheng glanced at the three sisters and came the sentence, "Congratulations to the third sister, you are dumped by Wang Junxian."

Hua Zhi: ...

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