Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 921: : After many years

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind was rolling again, head down, buried in the pillow.

"I still want a hammer, I'm so sad, oh, don't ask me, I don't know what to do." Feng Xi directly pretended to die.

"Do you want to tell everyone?"

"Don't say...I think about it."

The wind is also wondering, how did this child come? All caught up with nature is pregnant.

It hasn't been frequent recently, and it's not a few times in total, why do you get pregnant?

It's really unlucky to get home...

In fact, the most uncomfortable thing now is not the wind, but Hua Zhi who has been unilaterally dumped.

She couldn't accept being dumped by Wang Junxian, so she was too anxious.

Wang Junxian has recently stayed in the Wang's old house, and she dare not go to the old house.

Fearing that in case of a major incident, Wang's family will know about it, and they will not be able to be together in the future.

So she thought about it and decided to go to Wang Junxian to find him and ask him in person.

Unexpectedly, just dressed and dressed downstairs, before waiting to get on the bus, I saw a person approaching the community.

Hua Zhi wanted to apologize to Wang Junxian today, so she dressed very well.

Wang Junxian likes her idyllic style very much, so she deliberately wore a floral dress with a big sun hat and sunglasses.

Light pink floral dress put on Hua Zhi body, very similar to the feeling of Wei Mi catwalk.

At the foot are seven-inch black bow mesh sandals, cute and solemn.

Her white Ballari was also worn with this dress today.

Hua Zhi rarely drove Ferrari, and today he has a high profile.

Ferrari gave it away when the birthday last year. She didn't like this one, so she rarely opened it.

But today I went to find the compound of the surname Wang, the momentum can not be lost.

"Niu Niu."

Zhao Shixun, who killed thousands of knives, directly called Niu Niu, called Hua Zhifang's heart.

She couldn't remember how many years she hadn't met Zhao Shixun.

When Zhao Shixun left, his mother also followed, and almost no one in the family could be contacted.

She couldn't find anyone, and she was completely disconnected in the first few years.

Later, every year at Hua Zhi's birthday, Zhao Shixun would give a greeting card to Post Parasite Day.

Every time Hua Zhi sees the greeting card, she has to cry a bit, and then go to KTV to sing the song "We Later"

This bad habit didn't end until Wang Junxian appeared later.

"Niu Niu, I should have given you some buffer to meet you again, but...I can't help it...I really miss you."

Zhao Shixun is still a navy blue uniform with delicate short hair.

Perhaps the perennial peacekeeping relationship, the skin is not so good, some rough, and some black.

But it is more masculine...

Hua Zhi took a deep breath, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the man in front of him.

If you look closely, you will feel that he still has some silhouettes similar to those of his youth.

Hua Zhi was only 17 or 18 years old when he was with Zhao Shixun.

It is almost thirty years old now, really ten years.

How many years can life be?

This decade has really been a snap.

"I didn't expect you to come back one day..." Hua Zhi's voice choked a little.

"How come, Jiangcheng is always the place I miss most, because you are here."

"Don't play with me sensationally, Zhao Shixun, what do you want to do?"

Hua Zhiqiang was holding back his tears, and his attitude was very unfriendly.

After all, if it weren't for this guy's text message, he wouldn't miss the proposal scene.

Maybe I have all the certificates now, he's it.

"I'll get you back...get back the past...Niu Niu, you know? Over the years, you have been living in my heart, I have put down the world, but I have never let you down."

Hua Zhi's eyes were red and sneer, "Is playing Cangyang Jiacuo with us, right? Just you can read, when I'm stupid?"

The sentence that Zhao Shixun said just now is a sentence in Cangyang Jiacuo's poems, which is very beautiful.

"No, Niuniu, I just want to say... I still love you... I want to find us back in the past. I have loved you all these years, and I have never changed." Zhao Shixun put one hand in his pocket, even when he confessed. All are cool, and indeed few women can withstand this magic.

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