Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 929: : The Great Abyss

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang nodded, that was a long time ago, at the University for Nationalities.

"It was indeed played by him."

Ni Wenwen sighed slightly, "I learned piano at the age of six, and I haven't been sure to talk about Liszt's tunes now. Hua Sheng can play. That's talent. It's a talented woman like this, but it's really wronged for her to be wronged. "

Xie Dongyang said, "It's okay, Sheng Sheng she... never cares what other people think of her, she lives in her own world."

Ni Wenwen was a little sad, a little inferior, and more envious. Envious of Hua Sheng, a woman with a talented personality and a personal aura, is simply God's preference.

At this moment, Wancheng

Chuntao fainted, and after the nanny who took care of her found out, she quickly told Wu Nan.

Wu Nan happened to be busy, and came to the small hospital with a private doctor.

The doctor checked the pulse and measured the blood pressure again, and said slowly for a long time. "Mr. Wu, your girlfriend, is pregnant."

Wu Nan was stunned...

"How long?"

"It's about 40 days, and I have to wait for some days to do a color Doppler ultrasound." The doctor said.

"Then...does she always take medicine to affect the fetus?" Wu Nan asked.

"I dare not say this, it depends on the post-examination. There are many people whose parents did not take medicine and their children are unhealthy. There are also some people whose parents took medicine but their children were healthy. If your girlfriend takes medicine, it stands to reason that I am I don’t recommend it, it’s just that... she’s in poor health now, and if you do surgery, she’s afraid of a serious injury. My opinion is to continue to observe and observe.”


After sending the doctor away, Wu Nan also got into trouble.

He wholeheartedly wanted revenge, where would he want to have children.

Both Hu Xiao and Chun Tao are his women, but Hu Xiao has not been pregnant for so many years.

Chuntao is a tool he uses to retaliate against the Chinese family. He doesn't even plan to make her pregnant, otherwise he will not give her medicine.

It is also magical to be pregnant now.

Wu Nan has no feelings for children, but in his heart, like all traditional straight men, he likes to have sons.

So he came up with an idea, waiting for the child for four months, to screen the gender.

If it’s a boy, just keep it. If it’s a girl, just kill it.

Anyway, Chuntao had no choice. Whatever he wanted, she could not interfere.

Chun Tao is like a fierce horse. Now Wu Nanxun has lost his temper and can only accept fate.

When she woke up, her face was still pale.

Carrying brown sugar water, Wu Nan, "Come, drink, and make up the blood."

"No need." Chun Tao was indifferent.

"Obey, now you are carrying your child, you should pay attention to rest." Wu Nan is rare and gentle.

Chuntao's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.

"No doubt, you are pregnant and almost 40 days away."

Chuntao's face was even more ugly...

If it were before, she might be happy.

But now...

She shed tears all at once, feeling that she not only pitted herself, but also involved an innocent life.

"Wu Nan, please, the child is innocent... you let me take it away."

"Yes, four months later, if she is a girl, take it away."

Chuntao looked at him with hatred, "How can you... four months later, the children have grown hands and feet, you do that, is it murder?"

"Don't tell me the truth, you are a humble minion, what is the right to serve someone's gadgets to me? Laozi sleep you make you pregnant is to give you a face, you better listen to me, otherwise... "

Chuntao was emotional and sat up to grab Wu Nan's face.

But one fell empty and fell to the ground...

"You'd better not do it and keep it well. If you have miscarried yourself... I will let Huasheng die even worse." Wu Nan put his hands on his back and looked out of the window, his eyes extremely vicious.

Wu Nan's words once again made Chuntao fall into the abyss...

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