Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 938: : Mutual injury

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi was stunned. She had no idea that Zhao Shixun was so wise and knew everything.

Seeing Hua Zhi's complex expression, Zhao Shixun continued, "You don't need to be embarrassed, I don't mind, no matter what your purpose is, as long as you are willing to be with me, I am very happy, I am looking forward to the engagement banquet, Wang Junxian gave Yours, I have the same, Niu Niu, I will not wrong you again."

"Don't call me Niuniu." Hua Zhi was crazy.

"Okay, stop calling." Zhao Shixun smiled.

"To be honest, I don't know that my heart is very chaotic... If you feel bad, you don't have to listen to me. I'm getting someone to get engaged."

After Hua Zhi heard that Wang Junxian was about to get engaged, he was not particularly calm.

None of them has the ability to think independently. Originally, he wanted Huasheng and Fengxi to give himself an idea.

As a result, the two men ran away, saying that Hua Sheng was angry and didn't want to care about her.

Hua Zhi can only use poison to attack the virus, and he found a way.

There is no other way, but just learn from Wang Junxian, you are engaged, and I am engaged.

If you dare to be engaged to someone else, then I am also engaged to someone else.

So everything in my mind is engagement, and it doesn’t matter to anyone, engagement is the key.

Listening to her saying this, Zhao Shixun smiled again, "It's okay, I'm not going to lose, I also earned a wife."

Hua Zhi didn't answer the question. To be honest, after years of not seeing it, there was no such heart-wrenching feeling to meet again.

Long-term love is the king, Wang Junxian has penetrated deep into Hua Zhi's heart and cannot be replaced.

Zhao Shixun stayed for a while, and Hua Zhi also asked the paparazzi to shoot on purpose.

So, an hour later, the overwhelming news was all about Hua Zhi.

Zhao Shixun only patted a side face. The car he drives is a rather low-key Lexus off-road, but it also costs more than one million.

Although the Zhao family is not as rich as the Wang family, it is not poor. Wealth and wealth are affirmative, that is, we have not reached the point of being rich and enemies.

Therefore, the headline of this news is-Hua Zhi's romance exposed, mysterious man joined the incense.

This title is very easy to make people think about it, and fans are also blown up.

But most of them are blessings. After all, Hua Zhi is also considered to be an older and younger woman. Nowadays, few men and women in the entertainment industry are single dogs.

Hua Zhi has been single for so many years, and finding a boyfriend is reasonable.

Therefore, fans all sent their blessings, and a few people who scolded the street were also sent back by fans.

In the afternoon, Hua Zhi sent a Weibo with only three words-is it you?

The following is a pink love heart, which immediately went on a hot search again.

A dozen seconds later, a person with the real name Zhao Shixun forwarded Hua Zhi Weibo and replied two words-it was me.

Originally, people who didn't know could just pick up the conversation casually and wouldn't cause concern.

But what is great is that Hua Zhi personally praised him, which is Niu Biao, belonging to the default relationship between the two, Stone Hammer.

So one afternoon, the events were fermenting. During this period, the Hua family also called Hua Zhi and asked. The Zhao family kept a low profile, but did not come forward to respond to anything.

Hua Feng refused to respond to this matter on behalf of the group on the grounds of not understanding the private life of Sanmei.

At this moment, Huasheng was eating fruit with Jiangliu at her mother-in-law's house.

"A Sheng, what happened to Hua Zhi?"


"She really intends to get engaged to Zhao Shixun, so hasty?"

"Isn't it because Wang Junxian wants to get engaged to another woman?" Hua Sheng looked at the river and thought he was informed.

Jiang Liu was also confused, "When did it happen?"

"It just happened. My third sister is not a nonsense person. The news should be reliable. Ask Wang Junxian."

Jiang Liu kept talking to the two men for death and hurting each other, while still calling Wang Junxian.

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