Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 949: : Forced marriage

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Come on, are you okay?"

"You see it, and ask? Can I be okay like this, ah...I'm going to die..."

The wind didn't even eat anymore. After brushing his teeth, he went to the big bed and planned to lie down.

"Oh, it's really hard. The pregnancy had such a big reaction."

Qin Wanyu has never been a dad, nor has she seen a woman pregnant around her, so naturally she doesn't understand these.

The wind turned his head and rolled his eyes, "What do you think? So, it's not easy for a woman... at a flowering age, marry a man, have children, wash clothes and cook... take care of the family and you can't have your own business To take care of your career, you have less time to accompany your child, and you have to face the risk of dystocia and hemorrhage. When you are born, you will also face the risk of postpartum depression, plus body weight, and your husband will be derailed... So, is it easy? "

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Qin Wanyu didn't dare to provoke this grandmother, but now she's afraid to offend even if she is pregnant.

But Qin Wanyu was excited in her heart. After all, she was pregnant with the wind after pregnancy, so she would never make trouble again.

What rewards the male anchor, go to the blind date male doctor, this kind of thing will not happen.

The fact that the wind is pregnant is not much known, only a few close friends.

But I don't know what happened, the news is still leaking.

After the Qin family's parents were last warned by their son, they stopped a lot.

But he heard his son's girlfriend was pregnant and was so excited to heaven.

The Qin and his wife were talking about business abroad and flew back directly by special plane.

When he landed at twelve o'clock that night, he came to Jiangcheng nonstop.

Come on as you say, but it's a big show.

The wind slept into the middle of the night, and after being awakened, he was dumbfounded.

Qin Wanyu's parents came, and the gifts he sent could hardly fit the entire rental house.

She wore a white nightdress and rubbed her eyes, thinking it was an illusion.

"Qin Wanyu, I seem to dream about your parents..." Feng Xi looked at the couple sitting on the sofa.

Qin Wanyu coughed awkwardly, "cough, this is not a dream, they did come."

The wind scared an excited spirit and woke up completely from half a dream and half awake.

"Uh... uncle, aunt... good evening." Feng Xi said such a sentence.

The Qin family and his wife are clearly emotional and beautiful.

"It's windy, you are pregnant now, but if you want to take care of it, you must take care of yourself."

The wind suddenly stared at Qin Wanyu, wishing he could be unloaded.

"It's not really what I said, I swear." Qin Wanyu immediately knew what the wind meant.

Mrs. Qin was busy explaining, "It is indeed not what Xiaoyu said. This thing blamed me. I called for your hospital inspection report."

The wind:...

Well, Mrs. Qin has always been in control. With her personality, it is really easy to get the hospital's inspection report.

But not Qin Wanyu said, she was relieved, otherwise she was really angry.

Dad Qin also said, "Since you are pregnant, when will you get married?"

"We didn't plan to get married."

Before Qin Wanyu spoke, the wind said quickly.

After this, the faces of the Qin family and his wife have changed. Look at me and I will see you.

"Boy, what did you say... Do we want our grandson to bear the reputation of an illegitimate child if we don't get married? Then we don't agree." Qin Wanyu's father cast a black face directly.

Qin Wanyu scratched his head, only to feel that this matter was in trouble.

Once the parents intervene, it must be counterproductive, after all, Feng Xi is such a rebellious woman.

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