Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 959: : Who is the smartest?

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The second one, which is more interesting, was a thank-you letter from a school that Hua Zhi had donated in the name of the Huajia Group when doing public welfare.

Probably that, for so many years, the Hua family's kindness has been remembered, and the Hua family has been helping for many years, and has never been hyped.

Therefore, the good things that were dug out many years ago will definitely add points. This thing is actually done by Hua Zhi alone, but because the name on the donation check is the Fahrenheit Group, so the group is posted gold, of course this matter It is only after obtaining the consent of Hua Zhi.

Sure enough, as soon as the market opened the next day, the Fahrenheit Group's stock market began to skyrocket all the way to the close, and yesterday's losses basically returned.

Hua Feng was drinking tea in the office.

"President Hua, you are really resourceful and admire your subordinates." The female secretary slapped this fart.

Hua Feng shook his head, "I learned today that the smartest person in our family is not Hua Qing, Hua Zhi, nor me..."

"That's..." The female secretary was also confused.

"It's my five sisters."

Hua Feng is now impressed by Hua Sheng, and he is embarrassed to call his name. He used to be called Hua Sheng.

Now a bite and a five sister, not all because of the face of the river.

Hua Sheng's style of dealing with people is too strong. It can only be said that he is domineering in a low-key manner, and shows a sharp edge in forbearance.

To use a popular Internet term, your kindness is sharp.

Otherwise, others will only treat you as a soft persimmon, so Huasheng's grip on things will always be just right and accurate enough to be admired.

"Miss Wu? But Miss Wu looked so weak... She was only 22 years old?" The female secretary was also surprised.

Outsiders have always thought that Miss Wu was an idle man, a housewife, whatever mattered.

I even thought that it was because of the Jiang family that Miss Wu had a sense of presence in recent years.

But the fact?

Who doesn't know her strengths when approaching Huasheng up close?

Without saying anything else, just talking about Huaqing, how many times did you lose?

Hua Feng pursed his lips, "I thought that way too, but then I found out that it was all wrong... In our entire family, we can't pick someone who is smarter than my five younger sisters. I even think, How could the gene of my parents give birth to her so powerful? It's just... she didn't touch the business, it's a pity... otherwise our Chinese family might have to take a step forward."

People are always greedy. Hua Feng even thought that if Hua Sheng could come back to help her, it would be better than Hua Qing at that time.

It's a pity that she can't move, let alone a Fahrenheit group.

Even the Jiang family, Huasheng would not touch anything in the business field. She has her own principles and will never contaminate things she does not like.

After a small crisis in Fahrenheit, Xie Dongyang saw that this was Huasheng's way of doing things, but in order to confirm his conjecture, he still asked Hua Zhi.

Hua Zhi didn't hide it, she told the truth.

Xie Dongyang was proud after listening to his guess.

Including unconsciously, Hua Sheng has been mentioned many times in front of Ni Wenwen.

Ni Wenwen did not lose patience, just smiled and listened to him.

After some praise, Xie Dongyang picked up the teacup, "You said, is Shengsheng a particularly powerful woman?"

"Well, I have seen the only woman who combines beauty and wisdom in the Huasheng Book."

"Actually, Hua Zhi is also such a person, but it is a bit inferior to Sheng Sheng." When Xie Dongyang talked about Hua Sheng, there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

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