Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 963: :Still loving You

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Hua Zhi smiled, "Yes, it was funny once. When I went to the toilet, I ran into one. The boy was standing near the women's toilet, which was too embarrassing."

"At that time, you weren't the school flower, the school flower was the senior sister of high school." Zhao Shixun looked ahead.

Hua Zhi glared at him, "The reason why the school sister is a school flower is because her mother is the vice-principal. Okay, she has water. Where is she beautiful?"

Zhao Shixun smiled softly, "Of course she is not as beautiful as you, and no one is as beautiful as you."

At noon, the two ate in the cafeteria, of course, because it was a weekend, there were no students.

Otherwise, a big star like Hua Zhi would come to the school.

Zhao Shixun greeted the school and there were only two of them in the whole school.

The cooks in the canteen are arranged separately.

Hua Zhi likes to eat noodles with soy sauce, so I specially made noodles with soy sauce.

Hua Zhi knew that this was Zhao Shixun's elaborate arrangement.

Zhao Shixun took a bottle of soda and placed it in front of Hua Zhi.

"Here, orange soda."

"I still have this brand now?" Hua Zhi was surprised. It was all drunk more than ten years ago. It seems to be gone on the market.

"I contacted the manufacturer, and they customized some for me."

"Your privilege is really not small." Hua Zhi smiled.

Eating the favorite food of the year, drinking the favorite soda, and sitting opposite is the favorite boy of the year.

But... why did Hua Zhi not feel any joy?

I can't tell the mood, but it's complicated.

She lowered her head, ate noodles in a mouthful, and then drank a few sips of soda, it seemed that her appetite was not so good.

"Xiaozhi, shall I sing to you?"

"Okay." Hua Zhi nodded.

Zhao Shixun sang very well. This was recognized at the time. At the school party at that year, how many girls sang by Zhao Shixun's "The Sea" by Zhang Yuxun opened his heart.

Even Hua Zhi felt that the sound was so good. Hua Zhi was still joking at the time, and let him be a singer later.

Unfortunately, some people are destined not to fulfill their dreams.

People in rivers and lakes can't help themselves.

Zhao Shixun looked at Hua Zhi tenderly and sang aloud in the huge cafeteria, "Blinking and shining, leaving traces of the years. The center of my world is still you. Year after year, flying away In the blink of an eye, the only thing that never changes is constant change."

Hua Zhi's hand eating noodles paused. She looked up and looked at Zhao Shixun with complicated eyes.

In fact, his face did not change much. It was as good as it was in the past. It was also sunny and gentle, but...

Zhao Shixun's voice continued to come in his ears——

I am not like my former self, and you are not like you.

But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful.

Days can only go forward, clockwise in one direction.

I don't know how long it will be, so let you understand.

I still love you, my only retreat.

I still cherish happiness all the time.

Every breath, every movement, every expression.

I will still love you in the end.

After finishing a sing, Zhao Shixun held Hua Zhi's hand with both hands, and was very affectionate.

"Xiaozhi, after ten years, I still love you."

Hua Zhi bit his lip and slowly withdrew his hand, his expression very uncomfortable.

Yes, she repudiated Zhao Shixun's intimate move towards her, even if it was a hand.

But Wang Junxian is not like this, she and Wang Junxian together, no matter how greasy and crooked, will not repel, and even enjoy it.

Why is it happening like that? The courage of more than ten years can't withstand the year she and Wang Junxian.

"Xiaozhi, let's get married. I don't care who you are in my heart right now. I only care if you can stay with me for a lifetime. After we get married, we go abroad and we leave here, okay?"

Zhao Shixun's sudden proposal, which Hua Zhi did not expect, she looked at him in surprise.

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