Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 989: :how to explain?

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The child pulled his windy hands and said in a very naive voice, "Mom, I know you are embarrassed, I don't blame you, but I haven't been able to be your child. I'm sorry, if you don't give up, you will come by yourself Right."

After that, the child suddenly took the windy hand and penetrated his low body...

Feng Xi only felt a pain in his chest, and felt his heart squeezed severely.

Hua Sheng also saw tears in his eyes, this scene is really... sad.

The little boy came up and down with himself in the windy hands, really worried.

Watching the weak body gradually disappear, the wind couldn't help it anymore, and the tears fell down.

"Find a good family next time." She choked.

"No, if there is a fate, I still want to be your child."

The child's immature voice completely shattered the bohemian heart of the wind, she completely changed her children, and even thought that the child was the best gift in the world.

In the heartbroken and choked with wind, the child gradually disappeared and became transparent.

Beside the Sansheng Stone, he looked at his weak body and disappeared a little bit.

Finally, the wind squatted on the ground and wept bitterly.

Hua Sheng did not stop, she felt it was better to let her cry than to hold it in her heart.

Waiting for the wind to finish crying, Hua Sheng handed over a white handkerchief, "You are also relieved, he has a relationship with you after all, and you are also considered your child in your heart."

"Yeah, but think about it too. It's better to follow others than to follow me. Born in the Feng Family is a tragedy in itself, huh... go, let's go home."

Hua Sheng nodded and walked back slowly with the wind.

Just a few steps away, Hua Sheng turned around and looked behind him...

"What's wrong?" The wind stunned and asked Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng shook her head, she really did not matter, she just vaguely felt a pair of eyes looking at herself, that feeling, much like that person's...

She came to the underworld, that person will definitely know?

But along the way, there was no embarrassment for her. Hua Sheng said he was not clear about who Pluto was, but he always felt that he was not a bad person.

Huasheng and Fengxi have been walking slowly out of the gate of the underworld...

Pluto kept watching the disappearance of the figure before waving his hand to the mirror.

"Master Pluto, do we need to do anything?"

"No need."

In fact, he doesn't care about the Feng family affairs at all, nor the behavior of the Feng family girl. After all, the Feng family is just a mortal.

Kona Watson...

Forget it, Pluto felt that the woman was her natural enemy and was born with her, but she was helpless.

After the wind came back, Hua Sheng personally cooked a bowl of white fungus seeds.

The wind was in a bad mood, so I succumbed to the drink and lay down to rest.

The baby spirit is gone, her belly is empty...

"If Qin Wanyu asked..." Hua Sheng stopped talking.

"What do you think I should say?" The wind stared blankly at the ceiling.

"I think if you say you accidentally miscarried, he will understand." Hua Sheng feels that Qin Wanyu is not such an enlightened person. If he says that he accidentally miscarries, he may not say anything, but instead Will be distressed.

"But I'm not. I killed my own children for the future of our Feng family."

"Don't say that, you can't help yourself." Hua Sheng loved his best friend.

The wind smiled desolately... Qin Wanyu thought about it, she ignored it, she knew she had lost a filial good boy.

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