Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1005: : Super virus

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

In response to Yu Ping, there was only continuous sound of rain, and the deeper and bigger it made her feel deep fear.

Finally, Jing Sa was called, and Jing Ping drove to pick Yu Ping, and she dared to walk out the door of the antique shop.

Hua Sheng knew this the next day and was very upset.

"Xiaoping, you come to my house."

This incident was not a big deal at all, and Huasheng didn't say anything, but after Yu Ping briefly described it, Huasheng thought it was not simple.

Finally, Yu Ping drove to the spring breeze of Huasheng.

Hua Sheng excused Gingko to buy some vegetables and fruits, and gave her away.

In fact, it is not to guard against ginkgo, but it is more and more unwilling to let ordinary people touch those mysterious things, and it is not good for them.

Therefore, in Huasheng's view, in addition to the wind, do not want to mention these things with anyone, including the river.

"A Sheng, I swear, it's not an illusion, it's really someone, really."

As long as Yu Ping recalls what happened last night, she still has palpitations and her heartbeat will fluctuate. She is a person who cannot lie, so Huasheng will not question the authenticity.

"Well, I believe you, Xiaoping."

"A Sheng, you said, is our shop spotted because of the good business? Or the peers want to start with us?"

Hua Sheng didn't answer directly, but smiled.

"Xiaoping, it's not quite fair recently. You can close the brick-and-mortar store. You can sell it online, but you shouldn't go by yourself, just send workers to move it in the past. But also remember to go during the day and don't approach the store after dark."

"Ah? That will affect the business. Many repeat customers like to visit the store."

"It's okay, anyway, we're not the ones who saw the money, and it's not too long before you listen to me."

"Well, that's good."

"As for you, you will not go out in the evening and try not to live alone. As long as you have established a relationship with Jing Sa, you can move together."

"This..." Yu Ping blushed slightly, still unable to let go.

She was indeed with Jing Sa, and this matter was still entangled for a long time. She felt that she was not pure after being with Yuan Shao.

Then the body was not so clean, but Jing Sa did not dislike it, but treated her well.

So this also made Yu Ping full of confidence in love again, but the two never lived together and had their own houses.

Yu Ping has had a house, a car, and some deposits for more than a year, and his life is very comfortable.

Especially after her vampire mother went to jail, her father settled in, and her younger brother also took Jiangcheng to school, leaving her hell-like home.

But she knows that Huasheng can give you what she has today, so she will never forget her benefactor.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, this is what the age is."

"Well, I listen to you." Yu Ping bit her lip, decided to listen to Hua Sheng, and then sent Jing Sa to Wechat to discuss the two people living together.

Jing Sa was naturally happy. His suggestion was to let Yu Ping go to live with him. After all, he was bigger there. Yu Ping's house could be temporarily rented out, as well as rent.

Yu Ping was quite satisfied with the result, and then asked her boyfriend to have dinner together, and Hua Sheng did not leave her in Shilichunfeng.

After noon, Gingko went into the kitchen and was busy after returning.

Hua Sheng took a tablet and sat on the sofa watching American TV.

Suddenly, a message bounced out forcibly...

This has not happened for the first time, and it has happened once before.

Hua Sheng knows that this is a super virus, which is to prove that her tablet has been hacked by top hackers.

"Huasheng, I'm here."

The message is only five words, very simple, but the Huasheng scalp looked numb.

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