Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1007: :Love box

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng almost never mentions that he is a top hacker.

Even Ginkgo and Chuntao hardly ever saw this wave of high-level and dark operations by the Miss.

It was also F who blew her up, so the little girl secretly gave a blow.

The result was that the other party’s computer was bombed and there were no casualties. That’s because she only gave an alarm.

Warn the man not to threaten her with a big word, or even speak badly to her, that is the area of ​​dignity that she does not allow, and absolutely does not allow violations.

After exploding the other party's computer, Huasheng felt very happy.

The girl also secretly poked to hate others, she sneaked into the kitchen while Gingko was not paying attention.

"My mom, miss, you're going to scare me to death without even a voice."

Ginkgo turned around and almost scared to death.

"What is delicious? Our master chef?"

"Well, there are lotus root boxes, Dutch bean sausage, shrimp and celery, and your favorite fried corn."

"No meat."

Hua Sheng's mouth twitched to be cute, and it was so cute that he smiled at Ginkgo.

"My lady, you used to be vegetarian. Since you ate meat, you have gone further and further on this road. I seriously doubt that you were a Tyrannosaurus rex in your life."

"Tyrannosaurus is so ugly. I am definitely not. I was a beautiful dragon in my life."

"Hahaha, how can there be a beauty dragon, I have less studying, don't lie to me."

Gingko was so happy to see the young lady that she made a few more jokes.

Then Huasheng packed the prepared meals in exquisite food boxes and took Ginkgo to the company in Jiangliu.

After Ginkgo parked the car, he played air-conditioning and played games in the lounge area on the first floor, but hey.

Hua Sheng carried the food box and walked directly towards the top floor president's office.

"Good young lady."

"Good afternoon, Madam."

"Good young lady."

Along the way, there are non-stop employees saying hello to Huasheng, and she is wearing a formal dress today.

In particular, I chose a small suit of British style when the noble princess of a certain country was crowned.

The color is creamy white and very attractive.

In addition, the bag in hand is also a global limited edition of a luxury product. It is a light purple square bag, which is simply a lady of the eighteenth century court.

Maybe it looks good, so how to dress up is amazing.

Along the way, all the small staff onlookers were stunning.

After all, my young lady is rarely seen a few times a year. Even when Weibo is searching, the media just pulls out some old photos.

It can be seen that Huasheng's low profile...

Jiang Liu didn't know that Hua Sheng was coming beforehand. He had been busy on the construction site in the morning, and when he returned, he held a high-level meeting urgently.

I was busy until 12:30, and I felt a bit hungry.

Just when I was about to get up and eat, I heard someone knock on the door.

"Go in."

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to eat?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Liu suddenly raised his head and saw Hua Sheng's face, his indifferent eyes suddenly turned into a river of spring.

"Mrs. Jiang, why are you here?"

"Well, come and give my family Mr. Jiang a bento."

"God, what blessings have I had in my life?" Jiang Liu was flattered.

Huasheng put the food box on the coffee table and put his hands around his chest. Meizizi replied, "You saved the galaxy from your last life."

"No, no, it's not enough. I saved the whole universe, so I have such a good wife."

Jiang Liu is really super contented, especially ascension from time to time gives a little surprise and beauty.

Jiangliu and Huasheng sat side by side on the sofa, opened the food box, and ate a loving lunch together.

"The technology of Ginkgo is getting more and more superb."

"Um, so do we want to raise wages?" Hua Sheng deliberately teased him.

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