Forge An Eternal Kingdom

Chapter 146 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 146th chapter bursts with a halberd!

The entire Tianhe Academy was caught in the flames of war for a while, and countless disciples killed each other. It was Long Guangmo who led his Renlonghui who fought against Elder from some of the college's dean departments.

The huge Tianhe College is divided into three battlefields.

Long Guangmo, Xiao Li and Dean Subeicheng, and Ye Wudao and Han Qiming are the third.

Hearing the sound of killing one after another in his ear, Han Qiming knew that he could not delay any longer and had to fight to a decisive battle.

Because he felt a strange aura far stronger than Ye Wudao was fighting with another aura in the distance.

This shows that all this is absolutely premeditated.

Although Han Qiming has no special feelings for Tianhe Academy, looking at the faces of the Dean and Su Ziyan, he will not just let the Academy be destroyed in the hands of people like Ye Wudao.

"Han Qiming, I have to admit that you are very strong. If you talk about the cultivation time, you are much shorter than me, but you can be evenly matched with me. You are really a terrible enemy, but I want to tell you that I am Ye Wudao. He is truly the first person in the academy!"

"So, I will use my strongest trick to defeat you!"

"Magic skill, Shura change!"

Ye Wudao let out an extremely serious roar on his face!


As Ye Wudao's voice fell, his body shape changed greatly, and his head appeared with double horns.

Immediately afterwards, his figure skyrocketed and continued to rise, and finally, he became a giant with a height of hundreds of meters!

Even more surprising things are still to come. On Ye Wudao’s face, a dense pattern of monsters appeared, and this pattern soon covered his whole body. He looked like a figure from The Underworld. Destroy the evil gods.

Ye Wudao stretched out his hand, and his Blood Prison Dragon Spear turned directly into a giant spear that was hundreds of meters long, like a Tianzhu. This spear went straight into the sky, stirring the sky, and the entire sky suddenly enveloped Ye Wudao. Under the turbulent weather.

With this momentum, the big men of Sect, who were hiding in the secret place outside the academy and watching the battle in the distance, were shocked.

That is the aura and coercion from the blood of the Shura clan, that is the bloody Killing intent of slaughtering the world!

Everyone saw the inside of Tianhe Academy, and suddenly a giant one hundred meters high appeared, standing upright, holding a spear, majestic, and fighting spirit soaring into the sky, radiating out to the surroundings.

compare to.

Han Qiming's body of less than two meters, in front of Ye Wudao, is almost no different from a real ant, terrifying Ye Wudao can crush him to death with a single finger.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the Earth plane who watched this scene in real time was directly stunned, and the whole live broadcast room began to boil.

"Let me go! This Ye Wudao is simply the Ultraman of the Fantasy world! So tall! He can transform!"

"What Ultraman? Does this understand the god-level Martial Skill in the Fantasy world? That island country's garbage can be compared to us?"

"That's right, the kind of trash Ultraman in the island country, our anchor can blow up a pile with a big punch, and the corpses can go around the earth n times!"

"Brother Daming! Isn't Ye Wudao just transformed? It's nothing remarkable. Take out your magic dragon war spear and explode his chrysanthemums!"

"Support Boju!"

"Frontally anal him!"

"Brother Ming, come here, as long as he bursts his chrysanthemums, the younger brother will give it a reward!"

"User: You don't understand my heart, reward a plane!"

"User: Big guy loves beauty, and rewards a BMW!"

"User: Not bad money, reward two planes!"


Watching the crowd's barrage rewards in full swing, Han Qiming naturally couldn't let them down.


He laughed out loud.

"What's the transformation, I will too! Watch my demon god change!" Han Qiming was not scared at all. He took the Slaughter Immortal Sword and the whole person instantly rose from the ground.

Go up and up!

Han Qiming also became a giant with a height of hundreds of feet, with a dark golden body, showing an extremely noble color.

His head has long horns, similar to dragon horns, curved and bifurcated, vigorously knotted, and his body is muscled, delicate and shiny, with many textures flowing on it. It is the oldest magic pattern.

The devil's armor, the devil's cloak, and the devil's halberd instantly appeared on his body and hands, making him look like a real demon.

"Very good! Han Qiming, you really didn't disappoint me. I knew you still had the hole cards, but what I didn't expect was that you could transform yourself. That way, I would completely kill you and let you Go down to The Underworld!"

Ye Wudao, who had turned into a Shura battle body, had a voice like Huang Zhongda Lu, loud and loud, resounding across the sky.

"It's you who should go to The Underworld!"

The war intent in Han Qiming's eyes was boiling and rolling, endless winds emerged from him, and the devil's cloak was rustling.



No longer hesitating, both of them roared, and Han Qiming's magic dragon halberd speared out, and the whole world was solidified, and then shattered again, the space was torn, as if it could penetrate everything!

Ye Wudao also passed through a gun hole, and deep cracks appeared in the space under his dragon gun.

When the two play against each other, they can tear the space at will, which is simply a divine method!


The dragon spear and the halberd collided with each other.




The two of Han Qiming's fighting has reached the limit, ordinary people can't see their movements at all. The two of them can fight tens of thousands of times in a second. The whole world is reverberated by them. The battle sonic boom!

The space they were in was like a huge black hole, constantly absorbing the energy of the two of them. The space was completely fragmented and pitch black, and there was no light at all.

Bang bang bang!

After fighting again for dozens of rounds, Ye Wudao was hit by Han Qiming's halberd on his chest, and he directly dug out a large piece of flesh and blood on his chest, revealing the hideous blood-red tendons.

"not good!"

After being hit by Han Qiming's halberd, Ye Wudao almost frightened his soul. He didn't expect that even his last hole card could not help Han Qiming. Instead, he was hit hard by him.


Feeling the intense pain and lethal murderous aura coming from the wound, Ye Wu Dao heart retreated, his figure exploded, and he didn't want to continue fighting with Han Qiming.

He had a hunch that if he continued to fight, he might even die in the end.

Ye Wudao has always cherished his life, how could he confess his life in the hands of a humble little person like Han Qiming?

Staying with the green hills, I am not afraid that there is no firewood, as long as he is still in strength, even if he betrayed Tianhe Academy, he can still live very well!

"Die to me!"

Han Qiming succeeded in one blow, he was reasonable and unforgiving, and his eyes were brilliant!

Carrying the dragon halberd, which is dozens of feet long, chased up and swept out.


This magic dragon halberd was like a huge whip, sweeping across the entire space, directly dividing the world into two halves, with an unmatched posture, bombarding Ye Wudao's body.

Han Qiming's this strike, but with the blessing of 108 Demon God Shadows, this is equivalent to 10,000 Martial Spirits of the one-star peak realm at the same time.

Ten thousand Martial Spirits teamed up to strike, not to mention the eight-star Martial Spirit, even the nine-star Martial Spirit, even the Martial King can't eat it.


Just for a moment, Ye Wudao's whole body was directly blown out by half!


The lower half of Ye Wudao's body directly fell to the ground.

Hit hard!

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